Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hermis's?

Pulling a Hermis is being incompetent and arguing with everyone in the hermis's path. The Hermis is a wild and uncontrollable being.

Guy: Lets play some cs:s
The Hermis: ohhh noooozzz, I got to go to Hyperaudio to fix my d1s

Guy: Don't pull a hermis

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hermis's - meme gif

hermis's meme gif

hermis's - video


Hermis's - what is it?

a rare disease. you start to feel pain in your lower stomach, and it rises to your brain. it can be fatal. you may die.

oh shit son ive got the hermies.

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What does "hermis's" mean?

(or Hermie)
Short for Hermaphrodite

Although Ciara is a Hermy, she's still a sexy hip hop chick

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Hermis's - what does it mean?

Nickname used to describe a hermaphrodite in hiding.

Ryan is a Hermi

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Hermis's - meaning


To be a Hermis is to act in a careless manner.
A Hermis is content whichever way the wind blows.
A Hermis cannot be brought down to a lower level than that of a careless state.

A Hermis can live his life with the minimum requirements to live on a day to day basis. While he does not care or have any dreams in life, he does however like to argue.

Hermis will argue in a sense of not caring about the outcome of his argument.

The Hermis: I'm not feeling too well. You know how you feel when you are getting sick? I feel cold and achy with a slight headache.
Other Person: I know What you mean.
The Hermis: Ehhhhh oh well at least my mom is making mashed potatoes, maybe that will help

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Hermis's - definition

short term for hermaphrodite

you have a pussy and a penis so your a hermie

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Hermis's - slang

A being who has BOTH sex organs.

Carrot Top.

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1. A phrase to use in all situations where "That's what she said" and "No Homo" should be used.

2. Phrase \created to use in lieu of "That's what she said" and "No Homo" as these phrases have been overused.

3. Phrase used after one inadvertently says something that sounds gay.

4. A phrase, added to the front of another, innocent sounding statement, that creates a funny and often obscene joke

Her: "Would you like to stay the night and park your car in my garage?" Him: "No Hermie"
Her: "Are you in?" Her: "No Hermie!"
Him to one of his boys: "Would you like some of my banana? No Hermie"

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Hermy is an unusual name, not used by many. However all Hermys are beautiful, kind and caring Filipino women. They are mildly quiet until you get to know them, where they are very funny and are the best of company.

Hey look there's Hermy.

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Phrase used to discourage or ward off trolling or to otherwise notify potential trolls that their comments will be ignored.

Post: "Camped out at Walmart overnight so I can be the first to buy the new Kanye West album! No Hermie!"

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