Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hater-ade?

it means to not hate people and judge then for stuff like dont be bitchy lol

Kid #1: Hey I HATE YOU SON
Kid #2: why you be sippin that hater-ade foo

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hater-ade meme gif

hater-ade - video


Hater-ade - what is it?

A non-hater being surrounded by a lot of haters

I was just sitting with some of my friends when these posers came and forced me some hater-ade.

👍29 👎65

What does "hater-ade" mean?

A non-hater being surrounded by a lot of haters who keep getting progressively more ass-wipey by telling everyone how much they hate their favorite poser bands while right now it's sitting in their CD player (or anything similar to that)

I was just sitting with some of my friends when these posers came and forced me to chug some hater-ade.

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Hater-ade - what does it mean?

Media such as books, magazine articles, or tv shows sought out by haters to increase their hatred of a person place or thing.

I didn't know why I should hate on Justin Beiber until I heard one of his songs. It was like a nice cold drink of hater-ade.

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