Definder - what does the word mean?

What is half a tard?

a person who is incredibly stupid and lacks any kind of common sense

The kids in the LD classes were often rumored to be half-tards.

👍39 👎27

half a tard - video


Half a tard - what is it?

Somebody half as smart as a retard

What are you some kind of half-tard??

👍43 👎29

What does "half a tard" mean?

People who can become spastic at any random time making random noises or outbursts for no reason; Not clinically retarded but exemplifying similar traits; Not right in the head. Usually indigenous to the inner neighborhoods of Philadelphia.

Bunch of half tards around here.

👍41 👎19

Half a tard - what does it mean?

Someone who is very very stupid, but not technically mentally retarded.

I wouldn't vote for Dubya, he's a half-tard.

👍71 👎27

Half a tard - meaning

Someone who exudes the characteristics of a mentally retarded person, but is not legally retarded.

Johnson is the king of the half-tards, but he doesn't actually play in the half-tard band like Mario does.

👍83 👎29

Half a tard - definition

Someone who isnt worthey enough to be called a retard and they are just a half tard

Gosh casey, ur such and effing half tard

👍91 👎33

Half a tard - slang

A partially handicap person, someone who is special in their own way, but not quite full blown retard.

Bro I can't believe Daniel is jumping on the Patriots bandwagon since they won the Super Bowl. He must be a half a tard.

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