Definder - what does the word mean?

What is guffer?

One who claims to be a juggalo/juggalette but does not gather/has not gathered.

That loser Greyson ain't no juggalo because gufferers are not juggalos.

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Guffer - what is it?

Gypsys, Gypos, Pikeys.
Origin west midlands, England

Derived from Guff (a fart) cos they all smell as bad as a guff.

"What the foks that smell ?"
"It's the Guffers"

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What does "guffer" mean?

While eating out the stink put two fingers in the pink.

As she stood bent over he gave her the guffer.

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Guffer - what does it mean?

A person who is too dazzled by their environment to lead an intentional life. Portmanteau of 'gas' and 'huffer'.

I ventured through the midwestern united states and it was beautiful, though there were a many hickless guffers going nowhere. So sad.

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Guffer - meaning

Someone who farts an abnormal amount, normally from excessive cheese eating. Also likely to be used towards a middle class girl from Hampshire.

Fucking hell Morris, that stinks. You’re an absolute guffer.

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Guffer - definition

An insult 100x worse than n*gger. If you are called this, you should put your face in a blender and live in the woods because clearly you have done something to be so intensely hated, that you have been called a guffer.

Paul: Davy, have you seen my snout ?
Davy: Sorry, I smoked it earlier...
Paul: You f*cking guffer! Say your prayers you sorry little weasel!

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Guffer - slang

One who claims to be a juggalo/juggalette but does not gather/has not gathered

Greyson is not a juggalo because gufferers are not juggalos.

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While taking a bath, should a fart happen to come, you let it go. When the bubbles come up you open your mouth and make attempts to eat the bubbles. Congratulations, you're a guffer

Keeser Silver guffs so much

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