Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gorgle?

(shortened definition)

1. (verb) to gargle a liquid with a low/deep tone in their voice, or to produce a low/deep-pitched gargling noise

2. (noun) the sound produced by low/deep-voiced gargling

Present use: gorgles, gorgling
Past use: gorgled

*A 17-year-old girl is practices her gorgling technique in her bathroom.*

Girl: *slurps water* *swish swish* *gorgles water* *gorgling intensifies* *spit* Ahh, much better! :)

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gorgle - meme gif

gorgle meme gif

gorgle - video


Gorgle - what is it?

A beautiful and/or gorgeous girl

shes a gorgle

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What does "gorgle" mean?

Gargling with a "google moogle" (see definition) to cure a sore throat; when the idea of actually drinking it (raw eggs, warm milk, etc.) makes you want to puke.

Judy: "What are those disgusting sounds you're making?"
Diane: "I'm just doing a quick gorgle morgle before my audition for American Idol."

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Gorgle - what does it mean?

1. (noun) a low/deep-toned gargling noise
2. (verb) to gargle a liquid with a low/deep tone in their voice
3. (noun) the sound produced by gargling with a low/deep-toned voice

Present use: gorgles, gorgling
Past use: gorgled

Boy: I dare you to gorgle water for as long as you can!

Girl: LOL! I don't know about that. I might choke, but I'll try it just for you!

Boy: I'll start recording, then! Ready? Go!

Girl: gorgling water gorgling intensifies spit

Boy: That was pretty good!

Girl: Why, thank you! :)

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Gorgle - meaning

A specialized search engine used by a wide variety of environmentalist types, from ones who simply refuse to see the truth to those who think Kyoto is of benefit. It acheives this by screening out any search results that are not green-oriented or reek of fell common sense

Gorgle Kyoto Recriminations....No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found. hrmmmm

Gorgle Nuclear Plant Protests.....Results 1 - 10 of about 1,150,000 ...interesting....

Gorgle Nuclear Fusion Power......Due to the danger this poses to mother earth, all results have been blocked! Urge your Congressman to support the Kyoto Treaty!......What the hell? Is this some sort of joke!

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Gorgle - definition

Gorlgl is a new common slang word from germany, which is a synonym fo eating really fast.

Max was gorgling so fast last night.

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Gorgle - slang

The throat or windpipe

I wish he hadn't made me rip out his gorgle.

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To figuratively stick something up your ass.

Why dont you take your lousy idea and just effin' gorgle it, man!

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