Definder - what does the word mean?

What is glow worms?

My friend and I were at this all nighter thing where this place took us around and we did all sorts of cool stuff all night. We went to this one place and it was a big-ass farm, and we were playing like capture the bag or some gay shit like that. Weedy an I went into the woods and hid an shit, then we looked on the ground and there were little spots of greenish/yellowish light. I picked it up and it was sorta like a mini slug except it wasn't slimy. "Glow Worms!" She shouted. And I chucked it out into the woods and it was pretty sweet looking so we kept chuckin em all over the place. Cus there was an ass load of em and it was a hell of a time.

Glow Worms are kick ass fun when you throw them.

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glow worms - video


Glow worms - what is it?

A drunkard, an alcoholic(see also glow)

That glow worm needs help badly.

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What does "glow worms" mean?

Taking a shit in the dark accompanied by a laptop, PDA, Blackberry, or some form of electronic entertainment which illuminates.

I was glow worming for a half hour in the middle of the night.

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Glow worms - what does it mean?

Breaking a glow stick and rubbing the chemicals inside on the mouth of a partner that then blows you.

"Hey what happened with you and Daija last night?"

"I asked her to give me a Glow Worm, but she didn't have any glowsticks."

👍39 👎31

Glow worms - meaning

Creepy ass stuffed or plastic worms, that glow, that eat moon drops. People obcess over them. It's creepy as hell, because they have a rod rammed up their 'ass'.

"Goddamnit Sylvie, your buying more glow worms?"

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Glow worms - definition

When a person squints his/her eyes in the same fashion of the 80's stuffed toy with a hard plastic head that looks like a worm stoned out of his mind. While doing this one must draw in very close to your partners face and stay their till they acknowledge that you are doing the "Glow Worm".

I want to Glow Worm you till you can't take it any more!

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Glow worms - slang

When you are preyed upon by a middle aged man who has an actual glow worm childrens toy in bed, then drops pants in front of you to 'get comfy' and is wearing baby blue tighty whities with skeletons on them, all while you try to take a bong rip.

Oh, man, I just got glow wormed at the after party!! I ran out crying!!!

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Glow worms

Exceptionally long, large nipples

"Hey Reece, man you've got glow worms"

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Glow worms

Members of a hazardous materials cleanup team.

After the truck spilled radioactive garbage everywhere the cops called in the glow worms.

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Glow worms

Self-shot of a man's penis taken at close proximity causing a glowing effect from the blinding light of the camera flash. The penis in the picture then resembles the popular 1980's stuffed toy "Glow Worm".

Dumbass you should have shut the flash of so you didn't get a glow worm!

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