Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gilbis?

Used as an expression during any duration of awkwardness that exposes one to an uncomfortable situation

"Seriously though....Nice Gilby"

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Gilbis - what is it?

A form of Male masturbation, where the penis is taken between thumb and fore-finger and ground back and forth to orgasm. Practiced by those with unbelievable shrunken genitals. See also Micropenis.

Man 1: Where's he gone?
Man 2: Under the stairs, he's having a Gilby Twist

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What does "gilbis" mean?

Gilby - A gilby is an action of someone who is inexperienced with chew tobacco. It is defined as one who has a dip in for less that 10-20 minutes, and then takes it out in shame.

A: Hey McFlannery! you're not thinking about taking that dip out are you??

B: Oy I am, I feel a wee bit nausea coming about!

A: Really?! about to Gilby that shit…unreal!

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Gilbis - what does it mean?

The term Gilby originated in South Carolina when a red neck man by the name of Gilby made himself famous by creating the world's most alcoholic moonshine. This moonshine was so alcoholic that it had to be sniffed from the end of a match submerged only a tiny amount into it without breathing in or sniffing any of the large amounts of fumes it would create. Unfortunately, on trying this, Gilby was drunk and he ended up sniffing just one tiny bit of the fumes, resulting in his death.

An alcoholic (or someone who has harmed them self from excessive alcohol consumption) is called a Gilby because of this

Jesus, look a that cunt throwing up everywhere

He's being such a Gilby ...

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Gilbis - meaning

A guy who works in a booth. No 74 Victoria pass.

Hey Travis.. that guy has no access. And hes a raging alcoholic Gilby

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Gilbis - definition

a very kind and cool person who then decides to be a high school choir teacher

our choir director is a definite gilby

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Gilbis - slang

Gilby is the term used for someone with a huge fucking dick. The name means 'pledge' in old lingo which obviously is referring to his dick.

Oh look at Gilby, i heard his dick is huge

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Gilby parties alot. Meets a lot of new people but both won't remember eachother. Gilby has a huge dick but keeps it on the downlow for people he gets close to

Woman 1: Who was that one guy at the party last night?ΒΏ?

Woman 2: ahh I think his name was Gilby

Woman 1: his dick was huge, get me his number next time you see him

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Gilby is quite simply put, a fucking alcoholic, You know Gilby is drunk when he is seen staring off into space, laughing at nothing.

"look at him laughing at nothing"

"Yeah, what a fucking gilby"

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1. The one word that can mean anything you want it to be.
2. A record label bringing music to the PA scene.
3. Originally meaning awesome

1. ex. Man, that beyotch was MAD gilbis!
ex. Man....I'm kinda mad, did you know that beyotch was a gilbis?


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