Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ggc?

Girl Got Cake

1: Hey bro that GGC 2: Damn that GGC

👍51 👎37

ggc - meme gif

ggc meme gif

ggc - video


Ggc - what is it?

It's literally gothgirlclique

My girl is apart of GGC

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What does "ggc" mean?

Go get checked! Can be used when referring someone to medical attention.or when referring to ones health.

OMG, GGC! That cut looks horrible! or

I think you should definitely GGC.
Go get checked

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Ggc - what does it mean?

Get Good Crew.

Yella Yella, GGC!

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Ggc - meaning

genuine good cunt

He's a bit of a GGC!

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Ggc - definition

Gigantic Golden Cock, the massive cock wielded by golden men.

A superior alternative to BBC

"Built for the GGC!"

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Ggc - slang

Giant Golden Cock.

Golden is a new racial term for Asian. GGC hence means "Big Asian Dick"

He thrust his GGC deep within her and pumped her full of his golden seed.

"Do you know Lee?"
"The one in our class?"
"Yeah! I slept with him. Guess what?"
"His dick is big?"
"He has a GGC!"

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1) Gotta get cock
2) Girls go crazy

It's really interchangeable. One is like the other. THEY ARE THE SAME THING. Usually occurs after a girl gets sex for the first time and never stops until she dies.

My girlfriend got the mad GGC after I de-virginized her ass.

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The acronym for a popular gaming IRC network called Global Gamers Center.

It's time to go pwn some noobs on GGC.
oh noes
yeah, and you're first! >:)

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The guacamole-grilled cheese sandwhich. Three letters to define this sandwhich, just like a blt.

Hi, I'd like to order a ggc, except no restaurant has it!

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