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What is gay syndrome?

When a person who is gay or is of some other nonstandard sexual orientation believes that they deserve absolutely fucking everything under the sun because they are different. They are exactly the reason why gays/bi's/whatever get such an awful rap.

Pride month is basically the pinnacle of Gay Entitlement Syndrome. You're not special just because you're attracted by people of the same sex; you are not above anyone else.

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gay syndrome - video


Gay syndrome - what is it?

When your butt hole quivers from being reamed too many times; a resulting symptom from having sex in the ass too many times; can happen to either sex.

Doctor states: "I'm afraid you have gay bowel syndrome. Your anus is quivering uncontrollably."

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What does "gay syndrome" mean?

A relatively common disease of HIV positive gay men (rarely heterosexual women) who practice both receptive anal sex and oral sex ("ATM" sex) with multiple partners. The condition is characterized by an inflammed, fissured, atonic, and supporating rectum. Symptoms include diarrhea, sanguinomucopurulent rectal discharge, rectal pain and itching, and abdominal cramps. The cause is multiple concurrent infections of the colon and a traumatized rectum with intestinal parasites (worms), protozoans, bacteria, and occasionally fungi. The disease is contagious within the susceptable population of ATM practitioners and transmitted via the fecal-oral route.

He had gay bowel syndrome and he had to wear diapers.

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Gay syndrome - what does it mean?

Gay person syndrome is when a gay person finds out about another previously thought to be straight persons gayness and is instantly attracted to them because of it.

β€œJust found out karen is gay. I think i have a crush on her”

β€œOh no, it’s just gay person syndrome. Probably”

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Gay syndrome - meaning

When you are straight but your dick is gay.

I tried to bang Shaquandra but couldn't get it up because of my Gay Dick Syndrome so I had to fuck Tyreke instead.

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Gay syndrome - definition

(Or also known as SGS) A condition when a popular and/or beloved character is suddenly changed from being heterosexual to being homosexual just to appeal to an audience that will never care for or show an interest in said character and their source or form of Media. Typically the affected character gets severe personality changes making them a complete unlikeable asshole. Although it is not required the character's new same sex romantic interest typically is a self -insert of the author who had infected the character with SGS.

Person 1: Did you see that new Superman comic?
Person 2: You mean that one where he contracts Suddenly Gay Syndrome? No way man I dont want to see how they disrespected my man supes.

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Gay syndrome - slang

Big Gay Syndrome is when a person is so stupid, they become an un-human, gay, mother fucker, so it is called Big Gay Syndrome.

Tom: I think Manveer has Big Gay Syndrome
Karl: I have Big Dick Syndrome

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Gay syndrome

The patterns of behavior frequently exhibited by (usually) young people who have recently come out, guided by a thirst to discover a world containing homosexuality and other homosexuals than themselves, which may strongly contrast to the heteronormative world they grew up in. Common behaviors include reading gay literature or watching gay films, using Wikipedia to memorize the names of all gay celebrities, or joining a gay club or group to meet friends or potential lovers. An occasional related behavior is the consumption of slash fanfiction.

When I had New Gay Syndrome, I read a bunch of lesbian romance novels. Glad I got that out of my system!

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Gay syndrome

When straight people are gay and they don’t know it.

First guy: Do you want to go to the gym?

Second guy: Nah Bro let’s play basketball

Third guy to the first: I think he got gay syndrome

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Gay syndrome

when your too gay to have friends and or sexual partners

john: you so gay that you have gay syndrome

patty: awh darn

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