Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gantt?

A project plan which is loose and high level with no constraints on the client while simultaneously highly detailed and precise.

β€œClaire, you can’t be prescriptive with the timeframes for the client but you need a precise plan including every task with defined resources and dates”

"You mean you want SchrΓΆdinger's Gantt?"

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Gantt - what is it?

Derivative of the Gantt Chart used in engineering project management: a graphical representation of your sexual exploits over time - often grouped by person and color coded corresponding to act.

Anne's doing really well with her New Year's Resolution to stay away from boys - she hasn't had to update her Gantt Chart in months!!

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What does "gantt" mean?

A very boring chart used in making pointless decisions, especially if you are a highly overpaid person to talk bullshit. It is more commonly used by youngters as a swear word or insult as the word "gantt", when shouted, sounds remarkably like the word "cunt"

Jethro: Do you like that new guy
Mitch: No I think he is such a gantt chart

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Gantt - what does it mean?

A unit of measurement meaning quite large and heavy, while being exceptionally awesome!

Dude, you're such a GANTT!

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Gantt - meaning

(verb) to procrastinate by over-planning the course of action.
n. a person who procrastinates by planning too much and never starting anything.

Derived from the over reliance of Gantt Charts by project managers, popularised by its ease of use on computers over networks in the late 1990s.

"I spent so much time gantting, she lost interest"
"Don't be such a gantt, let's just see what happens"

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