Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gameover?

When the team you want to win loses and you wake up the next morning full of disappointment and a headache

"I had such a bad gameover this morning when the Broncos lost"

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Gameover - what is it?

Adj. in a state of calling or to have called it quits.

Hey, is that Victor on the floor?... Yea, he's Totally Gameover.

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What does "gameover" mean?

Spluge,Cum,Jizz,or blow your load

After I fucked that bitch I put gameover all over her face.

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Gameover - what does it mean?

(noun) The induced state of worthlessness, sore body (and bottom), incompetence and general increase of mental and bodily retardation.
Other side effects may include headaches, hunger and thirst, prolonged procrastination, impudence, and poor management for the remainder (if it exists) of one's time.

Ahh, you have a Gameover.

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Gameover - meaning

The hellish headache after playing 7+ hours of video games.

1: Dude, I have the worst gameover.
2: Oh damn, how?
1: I beat Dead Space 2 on Zealot overnight.

2: Jesus bro, thats hardcore.

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Gameover - definition

The hangover like tired behavior seen from teenagers who stay up late playing video games and drinking caffeine.

-Hey dude, good job playing Call of Duty last night
-Yea we were up to like 4, and i had a total gameover when i woke up.

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Gameover - slang

the aftermath of staying up all night playing video games,with symptoms of a hangover the next morning.

i stayed up all night playing uncharted 2,and went to bed at 6 a.m. woke up at 2 with a gameover.

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When you have a really long gaming session and the next day you eyes hurt and you have a massive headache.

Paul: Yo Carl, how come you couldn't show up for work today?

Carl:I had a massive gameover last night from playing Modern Warfare 2 too much.

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the feeling of remorse and disorientation experienced after a long session of heavy video game playing; analagous to hangover

I have the worst gameover from staying up all night playing Halo.

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