Definder - what does the word mean?

What is french tips?

A way to get your girl to beat your A**

Boy: Babe you should get sky blue french tip 1.5 nails.

Girl: How the f*ck do you know that.


Girl: Im beating your ass

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french tips - video


French tips - what is it?

If a woman has French tip toes she is a walking trophy. No one can tell her anything, she’s her own boss. Run her own program. All the men wish she was their own. But she’s not cheap, you have to spoil her. She’s not easy either, straight wifey type.

β€œCc has french tip toes bro πŸ˜β€
β€œThat means she’s worth it”

β€œ..Yea, you right bro.. ima buy her some Chanel bags”

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What does "french tips" mean?

The act of sticking the tip of ones tongue inside of your partners anus

This girl is such tease, French tipping me and never eating ass.

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French tips - what does it mean?

When two men have a bead of cum on the tip of their penis, and the proceed and touch tip to tip.

Hey dude I totally just masturbated, wanna french tip?

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French tips - meaning

the act of skeeting on a girls foot in order to be able to hug and/or kiss her after intercource

Once we get to vegas i'm going to french tip every girl i see

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French tips - definition

When you skeet/cum on a girl's feet, especially the toes.

"Yo I'ma bust that broad with some French tips!"

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