Definder - what does the word mean?

What is foofe?

Getting dressed up, dolled up, adding a bit more glamor to your current appearance. Doing something extra nice to your hair, clothing, etc. Looking more "hot" than you already are!

I am going to get a little foofed up tonight, so I'll look good for my hot date with Jeff.

👍59 👎37

foofe - meme gif

foofe meme gif

foofe - video


Foofe - what is it?

An expression after the realization of an amazing occurrence.

after a wicked hot girl walks by
Dan: Hey Paul, did you see that hot girl?
Paul: Foof..!

👍281 👎263

What does "foofe" mean?

A form of flatulence, often found in small unhearable noises coming from your butthole. Similar to the "silent but, deadly" category of passing gas.

Ahh shit i just foofed.

👍217 👎181

Foofe - what does it mean?

The word everybody older than me used instead of "vagina" until I was about sixteen. I still use it now, probably due to force of habit. Even when I'm talking dirty to my missus.

Me: "Does that make your foof feel good?"
Missus: "My what?"
Me: "Too late, anyway."

👍477 👎323

Foofe - meaning

The street name for administering drugs via the vagina. An effective but unconventional way for someone with a vagina to take drugs.

My friends sister likes to foof her drugs instead of snorting them. ,

My girlfriend had a cold so she tried Foofing her drugs and it worked well she said.

I fell asleep and when I woke up my now ex girlfriend said she had foofed all my drugs.

👍39 👎13

Foofe - definition

1. Difluorine dioxide
2. The sound FOOF makes when it reacts with pretty much anything.

The FOOF went "FOOF!" when I spilled it on the floor. Now I have to explain the crater to my landlord.

👍215 👎91

Foofe - slang

The most elite and prestigious title you shall bestow upon any rank of human. The rank of FooF will not be given it shall only be earned. Most people shall not obtain the rank of FooF within their lifetime, only the best of the best will ever earn themselves the rank of {FooF}

“ Damn that guy is cool”
“Yeah obviously, he is in the {FooF} clan."

"Can I join the Foof clan?"
"No, you are not FooF material Humphrey."

👍215 👎91


a much less vulgar, more acceptable alternate word for the female genital area.

Elex: Allie, are you a virgin?
Allie: No, why do you ask?
Elex: Cuz your foof is major tight.

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The very elusive 3 utensil combo. Similar to a spork, but including the last of the eating utensil triad (knife). Foofe is derived from Fork, spOOn, and kniFE combined to form the pinnacle of eating technology.

Guy 1: Man, I wish there was a utensil to eat without using both of my hands. That way, I could eat and scratch ma' balls at the same time.

Guy 2: There is, it's called a "foofe" you dumbass

👍69 👎23


A non-technical photographic term for bouncing the light from a flash unit off of a nearby wall or other neutral-colored object in order to diffuse and redirect the light. It produces far more natural looking light (and shadows) than firing a flash directly at the subject.

While shooting the couple's first dance, the wedding photographer swiveled the head of his flash to one side so that he was foofing them rather than blasting them with hard light.

👍149 👎45