Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fode?

one hella cool dude who brings a present to good little boys and girls. Usually wrapped in a brown paper bag and containing 40 oz of love and left on your windshield or porch or in the hands of a passed out bum. Hopefully, said fodee hasn't been partially consumed by Fodee Claus himself.

Oh joy! Fodee Claus gave my Olde English this year. God bless us everyone!

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fode - meme gif

fode meme gif

fode - video


Fode - what is it?

A guy who acts like a hoe, the only difference is he is a guy. Also can be used in the term as being a Thot.

Don't mess with him, he's a real fode.

That girl is a hoe, but that boy is also a fode, so they won't last too long.

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What does "fode" mean?

Something white boys say in Detroit that means fucked up.

My nigga was foded last night. Nigga foded up.

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Fode - what does it mean?

A bottle of beer containing 40 fluid ounces of liquid. Informally, any beer of this approximate size. Many manufacturers, such as Busch, Budweiser and Coors, produce such beers.

My dawgs an me snuck a coupla fodes into tha movies and got FUCKED up while we were watchin tha Watchmen. Mothafuckin big blue cock, man ...

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Fode - meaning

a old peice of moldy poop

my dad fodes every day

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Fode - definition

An italian kid that has more hair on his ass than on his head. He likes frisbee and hotpockets

Fode just shaved two hours ago and his beard it already fully grown back.

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Fode - slang

Fode means vagina in konkani , a goan language. It is also a very well known insult and a curse word.

Dude 1 : ey fodya hanga yo re.
Dude 2 : tu fodo , chediyechya.
Dude 1 : goo kha , Mz.
Dude 2 : Zov bayek tu

sentence : Vedant is a big fode.

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The opposite of a Chode. A lengthy penis with a disproportionately small width.

Wow, Tom. That's a real nice fode you've got there, needle dick.

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A 40oz bottle of beer

Me and my homies, out late at night, drinking a fodee.

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widespread expression used by portuguese and some wannabe cool multilingual jerks to emphasize the fuckup, astonishment, anger etc.

- Hey, dude, i heard we gotta save the most important person before we see 2012!
- Yeah, that's right we may need some pizza in the afterlife.
- No, man! We gotta save the president!
- Fodes...

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