Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fligged?

an insult for an incredibly annoying person that doesnt know there annoying

shut up you flig-digger

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fligged - meme gif

fligged meme gif

fligged - video


Fligged - what is it?

n: a small nugget of feces, usually next to the "log."

Dude... look at all the flig-lets.
I dare you to eat one.

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What does "fligged" mean?

stuff that girls get on there twat (usually in the hair) that looks like cottage cheese and marshmallows and it itches bad!

Damn!!! Teresa got some mad marshy-flig this mornin after the dog humped her.

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Fligged - what does it mean?

When a boy/girl sucks your penis and you start to get chills down your spine and piss in their mouth

Tom β€œYo did you hear about Sally last night?”
Martin β€œNah man, what happened?”
Tom β€œ Alonso was smashing Sally when he also had to piss, but she didn’t know! So when she went to finish him off, he nutted but also pissed in her mouth!”
Martin β€œ Damn! Talk about getting fligged!”

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Fligged - meaning

Flig Means he iz dumb stupid and gay

(Dick):How are u?
(Fanny):shut the fuck up u flig

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Fligged - definition

A name for people that are fat, ugly, pigs. Mostly used to describe bitches that want attention.

If those fligs are going to tell a story, they better tell it right!

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Fligged - slang

Abbreviation of Fligmunch, a noun describing someone who wears grey tracksuit bottoms, trainers and a Superman t-shirt to school.

There's big Flig!

Fuck sake where's Flig?

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A boy/man who cums to early during intercourse and/or cannot stay with a woman for a long ammount of time.

Woman: Ok, lets get started.
Man: Ok
*Places Penis in Vagina*
Woman: Ummm
Woman: What!?!?!?!


Woman: OMG Your a flig

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Abbreviation of Fligmunch, popular yet misunderstood being!

What the fuck are you doing flig?

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fuck life in general

''i stacked in a mud puddle infront of the whole of my year, fml

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