Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fitzsimmoning?

aka as the fighting blacksmith (1863-1917)an english boxer, one of the greatest fighters of all times, he made boxing history as boxing's first three-division world champion, MIDDLEWEIGHT, LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT, HEAVYWEIGHT, he stopped fighting in his late 40's. a real bad ass fighter.

he passed away from pneumonia in 1917

bob fitzsimmons KO'd the fuck out of james corbett!!

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fitzsimmoning - meme gif

fitzsimmoning meme gif

fitzsimmoning - video


Fitzsimmoning - what is it?

When your eating a gay guys ass and he shits in your mouth then you enjoy it while having a jerk circle with your dog.

Yo, Michael just pulled a Dirty Fitzsimmons!

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What does "fitzsimmoning" mean?

Very charming, handsome, and gentleman-like. The most loving and kind man you could ever meet. Very difficult to not fall in love with one.

I met the man of my dreams tonight, and i think this one is definitely in the category of fitzsimmons.

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Fitzsimmoning - what does it mean?

A name that belongs to only the most beautiful girl. She'll make you smile and never ceases to look amazing. Shes hard to reason with when she has her mind set on something, and sometimes very stubborn. There is no end to her beauty or smarts, One would be nothing less then blessed to be with her.

She's also good at Zelda.

Who would be a vegetarian for Lent?
Only a "Fitzsimmons"

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Fitzsimmoning - meaning


Fitzsimmons is the best couple and the universe and they finally got their happy ending, the most deserved one in the history of television.

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Fitzsimmoning - definition

The bestest, most beautiful, amazingly hot, disgustingly great, separated at sea couple to exist.

Fitzsimmons, Leopold James Fitz and Jemma Anne Simmons, are disgustingly in love.

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Fitzsimmoning - slang

Fitzsimmoning is the act of two people arguing with each other in the most romantic and in-sync way possible.

The Agents of SHIELD fanbase frequently uses this phrase, for referring to the frequent bantering and adorable bickering between Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons, one of the cutest couples in television history

Person A and Person B are back at their regular arguing session without realizing how they are in love with each other and are obliviously flirting. Gosh, they are fitzsimmoning!

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When a guy ignores a "group" of friends for several months on end. Typically, because he has fallen in love with a busted broad who the group rejects.

"Elliott you fucker, you've completely pulled a Fitzsimmons on us for that fat fuck..."

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The cutest ship (consisting of Agent Jemma Simmons and Agent Leo Fitz) on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that broke everyone after Ward dumped them into the water.

Fitzsimmons is so adorable yet so painful.

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Fitzsimmons (or fitz-simmons) is the ship name for Agent Leopold Fitz (portrayed by Iain De Caestecker) and Agent Jemma Simmons (portrayed by Elizabeth Henstridge) from the popular action/drama series Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The name is commonly used in the context of the show, because Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons spend all their time together.

Skye: I ship Fitzsimmons so much!
Phil: Are you referring to the term for Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons being in a relationship?
Skye: Yes! I love it! I ship it!
Antoine: I don't.

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