Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fbi agent?

You tell them that they have big gae and they will get C O S M I C B O N E R

I need to know how to have intense sex with your fbi agent bro.

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fbi agent - video


Fbi agent - what is it?

Yes, I'm spying you.

Don't forget to clear your history search pal.

Imagine typing on urban dictiannory

" Is my FBI agent spying me ? "

bro u serious ? Hell yeah I'm spying you. Thought we were pal, all the memes you liked 'bout me!
bro ur so fake dude πŸ˜πŸ˜”πŸ‘Š

When we gotta watch these cartoon chicks with big chest btw ? I'm bored asf.

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What does "fbi agent" mean?

If you typed this into the search bar you probably just searched up Bee Movie R34.

Young Timothy was very ashamed that he had searched up naked emoji movie characters, and typed β€˜I’m sorry FBI agent’ into the search bar.

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Fbi agent - what does it mean?



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Fbi agent - meaning

A person who wears black suits and sunglasses that investigates federal, local, or worldly matters. Most of them are stiff, drive black cars, drink lots of coffee, make over $100,000 a year, wear casual designer-type clothes when not at work , travel all over the world, use lots of technology, act very secretive and quiet, and are masters of disguies.

Some of them have desk jobs, while the majority work in the field. Sometimes, they have to go undercover. At work they are called Agents, and non-FBI agents are referred to as 'civilians'. At home, they live regular lives, just like you and me.

Girlfriend: Darius, where have you been? You've been gone for 2 weeks now!

FBI Agent: I can't tell you that. That information is classified.

Girlfriend: Oh, come on!

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Fbi agent - definition

Female Body Inspector

Girlfriend: "I want you to be my FBI Agent"

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Fbi agent - slang

People who can look like 7 other people in 5 minutes and have 18 different passports with 35 different names.

Work for the part of government who thinks they are the smart ass and center of the world. People usually have a love-hate relationship with them, in the sense that you get amazed by the jobs they do but also hate their snobby know-it-all attitude. In movies they are the people who flash a wallet and roar "FBI!" as they chase after terrorists with legit looking guns.

Favorite phrase is "that information is classified." This phrase is also the reason why people think they are snobby know-it-alls.

Person 1: Who wear sunglasses on a rainy day looking like they are going to the concert in that suit?
Person 2: Some kind of FBI Agent...

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