Definder - what does the word mean?

What is faustine?

Portable potty with ass cleaning services.

Look at all those girls going to use the Faustin

👍25 👎11

faustine - meme gif

faustine meme gif

faustine - video


Faustine - what is it?


Faustin is an NPC

👍25 👎11

What does "faustine" mean?

Faustin is fat bigger than your average bear, he is possibly gay, and works a minimum wage job, but he is a good friend just a little suspect, to sum it up Faustina is very, very obesse.

Watch out for your food bro Faustin eats everything.

👍27 👎25

Faustine - what does it mean?

another kind of a Faisal but in different breed. Faustin can be dumber than a Faisal. a very dangerous, air-head, and 2-faced person who can easily manipulate everyone. everybody should run if they see Faustin.

Hey, there's a Faustin in that area, don't come near that place

👍51 👎79

Faustine - meaning

Faustin est une très bonne personne, voir même la meilleure personne que vous croiserez sur votre chemin. Si un jour vous arrivez à avoir la chance de l’avoir dans votre vie, vous seriez vraiment idiot de le laisser partir. Si vous arrivez à l’avoir, gardez-le près de vous, auprès de votre cœur car il agira comme un chauffage qui vous réchauffe de l’intérieur et qui vous fait vous sentir vraiment spécial, il vous fera ressentir un immense sentiment de sécurité mais surtout de bonheur. Mais ce qui est le plus impressionnant avec Faustin c’est que toute ces impressions qu’il vous fait ressentir sont belle et bien réelle. Faustin est un véritable ange.

-Oh mais qui-est-ce ?

-C’est Faustin, c’est un véritable amour et tout le monde devrais avoir quelqu’un comme lui dans sa vie.

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Faustine - definition

faustin is the star in any room he stands in, he is a boss and he is a fan of Nicki Minaj.
faustin can be rich asf

you’re rich and perfect like faustin

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Faustine - slang

Faustine is a term for a terrifying mythical creature. The name originally derives from the aix'traordinarian language but has been adapted to common use to describe small french menaces. It is advisable to run should you ever see a Faustine.

"- Who's afraid of Faustine?

- Not me!

- So what do we do when we see her?

- We run!"

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Faustin is a beautiful boy, really smart and creative. He is the star in any room he stands in. A real boss !

You a boss like Faustin

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its a antoher word for fuck.

"what the faustine?"

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epitome of beauty.... term for seeing a beautiful girl

OMFG that girl is a faustine

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