Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fauci ouchie?

When you get the vaccine, but it h u r t s.. they call it that now.

Bro, just got the Fauci Ouchie.

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fauci ouchie - video


Fauci ouchie - what is it?

Urban nomenclature for the COVID-19 vaccine, particular the Pfizer and Moderna variants.

β€œHey, you have any clue when the government is gonna make my Fauci Ouchie available?”
β€œIdk man, but my at-risk grandma got hers and is thriving.”

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What does "fauci ouchie" mean?

When you get smacked right in the dick.

I haven’t recovered from that Fauci Ouchie that Jim inflicted on me. I have to wear special protection now.

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Fauci ouchie - what does it mean?

Another term for the COVID-19 vaccine

I can't wait to get my fauci ouchie so I can promote herd immunity

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Fauci ouchie - meaning

When you are being penetrated so hard and imagine Dr.Fauci admistering you the covid vaccine.

I hated vaccines as a kid but I'm sure glad I got my Fauci Ouchie last night.

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Fauci ouchie - definition

coronavirus vaccine

Im getting my fauci ouchy soon

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Fauci ouchie - slang

The side-effects of the second (or first, if you're unlucky) COVID-19 vaccine shot.

I'm gonna have to miss this Zoom call, the Fauci Ouchie got me looking and feeling like death warmed over.

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Fauci ouchie

A nickname for the Covid-19 vaccine referencing Dr. Anthony Fauci

I got my Fauci Ouchie today!

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