Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fatherful?

The guy who criticizes everything you ever do, never admits he's wrong in front of you, the guy who ejaculated into your mom, the human bank machine, the only straight guy who ever cares for you but never admits it

me: can i drive today
me:oh come on
dad:if we die itz your fault

me:i got my ass kicked at school today
dad:you loser
me:they stole my lunch money too
dad:man you're the biggest mistake i ever made
dad:come on son lets go and hurt does guys then lets go to a buffet

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fatherful - meme gif

fatherful meme gif

fatherful - video


Fatherful - what is it?

A motherfucker.

My father is a motherfucker, that's how I was born.

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What does "fatherful" mean?

if they have a daughter they become extremely dangerous around the time when their daughter starts dating. THey tend to glare or attack any male within 20 feet of their daughter and then pretend it was an accident. Often times the mother will keep the father at bay when the daughters boy friend comes around. Or hopefully she will otherwise the daughter will have a boyfriend no more.

Oh shit! its my father hide.

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Fatherful - what does it mean?

1. a man in relation to his natural child or children.
2. The man who raises you as his own feeding and teaching you.

Just because you impregnated my mother doesn't mean you are my father.

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Fatherful - meaning

A literal mother fucker.

My father is one big motherfucker.
My mum's a father fucker.
My fucker fucked a dad and a mom yesterday.
I am a fucker.

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Fatherful - definition

That person that was never in ur life


Oh father, I wish you were here

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Fatherful - slang

The guy who went for milk!

Hey where’s my father?
He went for milk 16 years ago.

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A mythical being often said the be the male half/ sperm doner of a childs parental party. Very few have ever been seen

Bruce: I never knew my father

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A mythical creature said to be on a very long quest to get the ultimate treasure milk

Son: father I like anime women

Father: well son we just actually ran out of milk I’m gonna go get some at the store

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the opposite of fatherless. used to describe a statement/person that you agree with

person 1: β€œdream stans suck”
person 2: β€œthat’s a fatherful opinion”

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