Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fasty?

Very fast

"I went fasty on your bitch"

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fasty - meme gif

fasty meme gif

fasty - video


Fasty - what is it?

wat my dad calls films with guns shooting and fast driving

james bond is a gunny shooty drivey fasty

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What does "fasty" mean?

An enemy in bloodbourne that wields a brick and attacks rather fast he got his name from our great Lord Seamoose

" I like to call this guy Fasty McBrickerson because he is pretty quick with his brick" Seamoose 2016

👍25 👎11

Fasty - what does it mean?

the jamaican patois version of rudeness.

Philip's reaction towards authoratative figures was rink and fasty.

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Fasty - meaning

Fat nasty bitch

Pinky is a fasty bitch

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Fasty - definition

The combination of the words fat and nasty. Mostly used to put down ugly girls or fat lesbians.

"DAMNNNNN!!! That is one fasty bitch!!"

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Fasty - slang

pulling a fasty - (phrase) - taking a crap in the yard (front or back) instead of using the toilet (like a regular human)

My friend was kicked out of his house, i offered him a place in own place. He precedes to pull a fasty by defecating outside instead of using the toulet like a regular human.

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Fat- Nasty. Generally a woman but men included. Obese, lacking personal hygiene and any form of grooming standard. Closely associated with the Dependapotomus species and Tag Chasers.

Yo Brother, you know you got so drunk last night that you started hitting on a Fasty with a mustache at the bar.

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A person with a low level of intelligence enrolled in what is called a fast forward program.

They smoke, smell bad, are greasy, crusty and the weather has no effect on them.

Person 1: Look at those fasties out there in the snow smoking! It must be so cold!

Person 2: Foolish niner, don't you know fasties are immune to all weather conditions?

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describing someone who is fat and nasty

That gross girl is so fasty.

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