Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fasc?

Short for fascist; in particular minor, not overtly political behaviour that exhibits fascist idealogical tendencies, e.g. the suppression of opposition through aggression, disdain for general human decency, scapegoating as a means of shoring up popular support, etc. (see also Deleuze and Guattari on "microfascisms")

Example 1

Gen Z Leftist 1: "Ugh, Kenny is the worst person to have class with. He just talks over everyone when he clearly doesn't understand Foucault's argument, and when you try to call him out he just derails the conversation and antagonizes you. The professor can barely reign him in."

Gen Z Leftist 2: "Dude's fasc af. Probably jerks off thinking about saving Western Civilization from liberal

example 2

Individual 1: "Hey, just out of curiosity, what did Henry Ford, Ezra Pound, and Charles Lindbergh think of Hitler and Mussolini in the years preceding the Second World War? Such great minds, they believed that all humans are deserving of freedom, right?"

Individual 2: "Bro, wtf no, they were literally all fasc. Like Suuuuper fasc. How did you not know that?"

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fasc - meme gif

fasc meme gif

fasc - video


Fasc - what is it?

Combo word for fem and masc. Can be used to describe levels of androgyny and shifting presentations within the trans and queer communities.

I typically present fasc but sometimes I lean in one direction more.

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What does "fasc" mean?

A Fascist in general, typically one who supports Fascism unironically and is a retard, closely associated with Fasc-holes but worse.

I support Fascism, I hate jews.
- "Shut up Fasc-tard"

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Fasc - what does it mean?

Fasc ism is at least 8 or 9 things

Mr shadow legends i don't even know what fasc ism is

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Fasc - meaning

n. a penis licker, toucher, feeler, sucker. basically, loves anything penis

woah slow down there, you FASCE.

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Fasc - definition

A bundle of sticks wrapped around an axe used as power during the Roman Empire now used In Neo Nazi groups. Pretty Based.

Hey did you see that I bought a new fasces axe? Its stronger than your kneecaps bro.

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Fasc - slang

A bundle of sticks held together with string or a cord, can also be arrows. Used to represent power through unity and is used as a symbol in governance such as in the US House of Representatives chamber and the flag of the Italian Fascist movement.
It's origin is from Rome, where one of the two Consuls (Leaders of the Roman Republic) would hold the Fasces to represent that they are holding power, after a year long term it would be given to the other Consul.

The political ideology, Fascism gets its name from Fasces as Fascism worships the state though a collective effort.

Fascism derives it's name from Fasces

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A bundle of sticks held together by a cord. The word fascist came from this. In a fascist government, the sticks are the people held together by the cord, or leader.

Fascist actually came from the word fasces.

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fetal alcohol syndrome cunt, someone who has had the misfortune of being born with fetal alcohol syndrome but has decided to take it out on the world by being a cunt
pronounced fazz-see

Nicole is such a fasc its unfortunate for those around her

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