Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fagulence?

hetro/breeder retort to the over use of "fabulous" by members of the gay community.

"Bruce, my fine feathered gay friend, I think the way you've organized the polo shirts, spaced precisely two inches apart and hung on platsic, not wire hangers, in your closet is fagulous.

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fagulence - video


Fagulence - what is it?


To describe something as "fabulous" in a way that mocks homosexuals.

The term is used often in Bret Easton Ellis' novel "Glamorama."

"Oh. My. God. That etagere looks simply fagulous."

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What does "fagulence" mean?

The feeling given off by someone who is blatantly obvious about their homosexuality. To reek of queerness.

A sense of fagulence perforated around the gentlemen near the vending machine.

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Fagulence - what does it mean?

Adj. describing the positive gay or almost gay aspects of a person or thing. Something defined as fagulous will have incredible style, quality, or pop cultural recognizability.

1. Anton: Sergei's cardigan looks killer today! Surely he must be gay!

Sydney: No, he's not gay; his sense of style is fagulous.

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Fagulence - meaning

one who is fabulous and gay

jack from will and grace is beyond fagulous!

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Fagulence - definition

n. The cold and analytical viewing of another man's beauty products, clothes, or friends in order to determine their sexual orientation.

After much fagulation, I determined you're a fag with only a %2 chance of error.

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Fagulence - slang

A special kind of fabulous. More gay than regular fabulous.

That John is just fagulous.

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One who fagulates.

The technical word for a fagule.

"I told him he was da fagulator."

"I told him he could borrow my fagulator if he wanted to."

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So fabulous must be gay, homosexually good

wow this interior designer is just fagulous!

didnt he do a fagulous job cutting my hair?

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A unique kind of fabulous. Putting the word FAG and FABULOUS together in a verbal synergistic bond taking the the two terms to a whole new level. Fagulous is much more gay and fabulous than regular gay and fabulous terms on there own.

Hey Moe, you look absolutely fagulous when you put those oversized porn-star sunglasses on.

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