Definder - what does the word mean?

What is faceass?

Used for someone who’s face looks like an ass

Ugly Friend: Hey dude

You: faceass

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faceass - meme gif

faceass meme gif

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Faceass - what is it?

A faceass is a cuck who can’t tell the truth. They usually pretty to be suicidal for attention. Faceasses are often oblivious to what’s around him. A faceass has trouble backing up their claims and always ends up looking stupid. Faceasses have trouble seeing the difference between a joke and being stupid

Man, Blake keeps begging for attention. He’s such a faceass

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What does "faceass" mean?

when a person's ass is actually a replica of their face.. all waste is also excreted from the mouth on the replicated face.

all of the seats they sit on are much like toilet seats so that they dont smash their faceass. also their jeans and pants are wider around the faceass so that when they move it doesnt constantly rub against the faceass and cause redness and irritation

normally offensive when pointed out..

can be used as a noun for either the person or the actual replicated face on the ass....

Dude.. that guy is a Faceass


Dude.. check out that guy's Faceass

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Faceass - what does it mean?

A person that like to act like he is good at sports games and likes to dick ride the rangers. Also like to think do the dumbest jerk moves.

Oh damn my dougie is sooo sick. Cameron Shut your Faceass up.

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Faceass - meaning

Term used when someone is acting like or resembles someone or something .

Someone mumbling incoherently is " Joe Biden Faceass"

Black guy wearing a leather coat is "wesley snipes faceass"

White girl with bald head is " Brittney Spears faceass"

White guy on skateboard is "Tony hawk faceass"

Guy murders wife and gets away with it is "oj simpson faceass"

Black guy with mustache is "Richard Pryor Faceass" or maybe "Lionel Richie Faceass"

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Faceass - definition

Commonly used when people are talking about someone who has a 'double chin', making it look like he has an ass on his face (_|_) <--that kind of 'double chin'.

Dude, check it out! A faceass!

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Faceass - slang

When you see someone in the act of doing something retarded/stupid.

That's a faceass.

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An insult that can be followed by bastard nigga or any other profanity to emphasize you dislike for a person.

Ol' faceass nigga talking shit.

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A word that can sometimes take place of "yea right"

Yea you`re so fine. FACEASS

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Followed by the acknowledgement of a dumb action.

Oh I wanna wear shorts when it's 2 degrees outside FACEASS!

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