Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ellery?

A beautiful girl who is nice .She can get almost any guy she wants .she dates everyone who is hott .also she can sometimes be very annoying but watch out she's good at come backs and will burn you. So if u ever meet an ellery be sure you are looking good. She has big boobs and a big butt .if she catches u staring at her butt she will hurt you

Example 1: she is such an ellery
example 2: tom"Look there's an ellery do I looks good"

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ellery - meme gif

ellery meme gif

ellery - video


Ellery - what is it?

A girl that shines through the rubble. She is always ready for a good laugh. She is a terrible dancer so she usually just does something stupid instead. Usually he/she has blonde hair blue/green eyes and most of her friends are shorter than her. Also gets straight A's and is always in the mood to help her friends get A's too!

Me:Hey where are you going?
Ellery: To the dance with my friends!
Me:Can I come?

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What does "ellery" mean?

A person who has several. Do not ask of what or risk.

Ellery, you have HOW MANY AGAIN?

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Ellery - what does it mean?

ellerie is the best person in the whole entire world she will always be there for you if you are in a room with a thousand random people the prettiest one in the room will most likely be named ellerie when people say they have a cool mom that’s probably bc your name is ellerie and your mom named you that wonderful name ellerie is super smart , funny, and pretty, you will never find anyone else like her :) she most likely has an obsession with celebrity (harry styles, timmothΓ¨e chalamet, etc) and that just makes her even cooler if you ever meet a girl named ellerie you should already know that they have the best style and music taste in conclusion, ellerie is the best name in the world and if you are named ellerie you are cool #befletcher #virgovibes

omg that girl looks like an ellerie, she is super cool and pretty

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Ellery - meaning

A beautiful girl who has a lot to live for. This girl is typically very sporty, blonde, relatively tall, and will have the most amazing blueish-green eyes you will ever see. This girl is usually very funny, outgoing, and when she is having fun with her friends, the whole world will drop away.
This girl might date around a little bit, but once she finds the one guy she loves, she will do anything to stay with that guy, and do whatever is necessary to make him happy.

The smile of an Ellery is one of her top features. It will be very very hard to get her in a picture where she doesn't have an amazing smile, because she is always smiling. She knows that life is great, and always will be. Her smile will turn heads, and is something amazing.
On that note, she is always fun to be around! She's never a downer, and is always ready to have loads of fun, let loose, and just forget the people watching. Ellerys typically aren't good dancers, but when it comes to slow dancing she is extremely good and knows exactly what to do.
However, she isn't all looks. Ellery is also very sporty. She normally does some of the more masculine sports, like rock climbing, swimming, or maybe wrestling. Ellery is extremely intelligent, and is one person who can single handedly change the world if she wanted to.

Your girlfriend is Ellery? I'm so jealous!
I wish I could have a girlfriend like your Ellery
Have you seen Ellery's smile? It's so beautiful!

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Ellery - definition

The most awesome girl ever!! Every guy wants to date her because she is the best girlfriend in the world. She's super hot and loves to cuddle.

Ellerie is the best girlfriend ever she makes me so happy

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Ellery - slang

A thiccc ass bitch who’s is full of confidence and love but deep down hates herself.

Did you see Elleri’s ass in that skirt today?

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Just about the coolest person you would ever be likely to meet. A word discribing a Hip/Cool/Crazy/Pimpin'/Awesome/Rocking person. Its a complement.

"You are da man dog, totall Ellery dowg"

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a girl with a very low IQ which she is self conscious about. Because of this she is very narcissistic and dramatic and talks about herself all the time. She is very bitchy when people insult her because of her low self esteem and that is her only defense. She is very annoying and there are no words to describe how problematic she is in people's lives. She has no empathy about other peoples lives and makes very ugly faces that are very similar to a mole rat named arnold when she is uncomfortable or insulted. If you see her WALK THE OTHER WAY. it will save you a lot of brain cells. yeah so good luck.

This girl was crying because she thought her paper cut was infected she is SUCH an ELLERY

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a fat, camp person who likes to think he has lots of friends.

"oi, you're such a stupid ellery!"

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