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What is eating sandwiches?


Trying to stop C0PR0PHILIA from ANAL ALAN as the MANDATORY EAT SHIT SANDWICH will keep bringing you to the in HO SPIT a BULL SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS where once you SWALLOW SHIT it is going more SOUTH as a REAL UNSHIT SANDWICH that stays NORTH for awhile is the best bend as ANAL ALAN you need to stay away from GEORGIA or LADY "GAGA" is a BAD ROMANCE as to deal with her pet MONKEY JOANNE who messES(EAT SHIT) with GERMS all the time in EATILY is your bound to get the same good old fashioned "trying to convert a FAGG0T to straight" don't bring SHIT to my ITALIAN RESTAURANT or you will TING TING indefinitely with the TOILET or I TO LET as the MAFIA PACIFICO PASTA throw up program is in place which being sick for two days vomting in NEW YORK CITY and no they are not( DOING FINE but DOING DIRT), as it is a know TAE picnic , "as is that JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL COPROPHILE PEDOPHILE is EATING just BUTTER ON HIS PASTA tonight while the CLEOPATRA MY LADY PROSTITUTE VIOLATORS are EATING the MARINARA EMETIC SPAGHETTI SAUCE AND MEATBALLS.

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eating sandwiches - video

Eating sandwiches - what is it?

when an individual does something uncharacteristically dumb, even for his or her personality

Did you see what Zeke just did? He just jumped out of a tree and broke his arm. What a way to eat retarded sandwiches

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What does "eating sandwiches" mean?

when going out with a girl for her looks

Jacob is going out with crystal because he likes eating a sandwich for the bread

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Eating sandwiches - what does it mean?

The sucking of a penis while held within another man's ass cheeks.

I ate beef sandwiches last night, extra mayo.

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Eating sandwiches - meaning

Something skinny people get told far too often

I'm a tad underweight, so I'm always told to eat a sandwich

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Eating sandwiches - definition

To Smoke weed, Ganja, Green, Chronic, Marajuana.

To be used around people that you dont want to know that you smoke weed

Standing beside Police, teachers, Parents, underaged children.

Guy 1: Dude we should go eat a sandwich

Guy 2: yeah dude lets go eat a sandwich right now

Cop, Teacher, Parent, Child: Have fun eating your sandwich! (oblivious)

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Eating sandwiches - slang

A phrase yelled by a jealous fat woman at a thinner more attractive woman, perhaps hoping that the thin woman will gain weight too and stop attracting men.

Big Bertha: Hey stick insect! You think you're so hot, in that little skirt? Eat a sandwich!

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Eating sandwiches

The How I Met Your Mother euphimism for smoking weed, used to censor the act so that Ted can safely tell his kids.

But why he'll skirt the pot issue with them but have no problem describing his threesome is beyond me.

"So there we were, eating a sandwich. The biggest sandwich we had ever eaten."

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Eating sandwiches

Pointless nitpicking of a solution - especially with a cover of SJW-style pretentiousness masked as inclusivity. Like if someone had responded to "maybe I'll provide sandwiches for the office lunch," with "not everyone can eat sandwiches - what if they can't lift the bread with their hands because they're disabled, or what if their religion forbids sandwiches, or what if sandwiches are a trigger?"

Sue: "So I suggested maybe the girls from bookclub would like a movie night to see the film of the book we just read, and Karen kept going on about how we needed to check to make sure there weren't any triggers in the movie, and see if we needed to post a flashing-lights warning."

Bob: "Does anyone in the bookclub actually need that?"

Sue: "No. She just likes being a Not Everyone Can Eat Sandwiches pain in the ass."

Bob: "I hear you. I got a guy at the office who says it would be unfair to offer team lunches as a reward for people because it excludes those who practice intermittent fasting. We don't even have anyone that does that - but hey, he says one day we might, and then that person might feel excluded."

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Eating sandwiches

It's a noun. It's slang for smoking weed. It was started from the show "How I Met Your Mother".

Friend #1: Dude, we were so high last night!
Friend #2: Yeah, dude. We spent half the freakin' night eating sandwiches!

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