Definder - what does the word mean?

What is duolingo's?

A dying meme about an evil owl who will kill you and your family if you don't do your language lessons.

Duolingo kidnapped my kids and father.

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duolingo's - meme gif

duolingo's meme gif

duolingo's - video


Duolingo's - what is it?

A language app that if you don`t use the mascot will find you and take his time murdering you

Duolingo: You have not done your spanish lessons time to kill
Richrd: No no NOOOOOO

Duolingo *cocks gun*

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What does "duolingo's" mean?

A program you do languages on. that's really it...

Mom: Hey what you doing?
Me: French mom......French on duolingo
Mom: Oh.....

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Duolingo's - what does it mean?

Satan himself. An all-knowing owl who will rape your sister and kidnap your parents if you forget your Spanish lesson.

Duolingo’s premise is simple: Spanish or Vanish

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Duolingo's - meaning

a type of bird outside of your door.

"How are you, my dude?" " good...duolingo.i dont trust you."

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Duolingo's - definition

A catfish and a kidnapper who disguises as a cute, friendly green owl. Slowly this green owl will keep manipulating and guilt tripping you into doing things you otherwise would never do. It starts with learning a language... but it ends with something way worse, and once you enter, there is no way out. Duolingo will literally kidnap your family to keep you under his wing.

Me: Duo you can't keep ruining my life like that!
Duolingo: Shouldn't have missed that Spanish lesson *evil laugh*

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Duolingo's - slang

Duolingo is a website to help you learn a new language right? Wrong! Duolingo is practically torture. Watch out, the Duolingo bird looks cute and friendly, however it is a possessed demon. If you miss your lesson the bird will haunt you until you fall on your knees and beg for mercy. Don’t even try to skip your lesson two night in a row... unless you want to end up like Billy, we don’t talk about him. Anyways if you want to learn a new language and you aren’t afraid of being massacred by a β€œharmless” bird try Duolingo out today!

Me: one night of no French is fine
Duolingo Bird: you missed your lesson... you know what that means
Me: what’s that noise *blacks out*

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The living embodiment of Satan; will do anything he possibly can to make you pay for your absence on his spanish lesson, you bafoon.

Hey! Last night, I skipped my lesson on Duolingo!
What happened next?
Remember my kid?

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The messenger of hell. He kidnaps your family and you might get them back if you complete your lessons.

β€œIdk man... the duolingo owl is kinda hot...”

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A dark web platform which kidnaps your close ones. To release them, one must learn a language. Their mascot is the infamous green owl.

Me:"Please, i want to see my kids again!"
The Duolingo Owl:"Not until you learn that french lesson you don't!"

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