Definder - what does the word mean?

What is doodies?

It's the kind of nonsense you just can't describe. It's a big kid breaking a little one's key in the door because he was too impatient. It's buying a framed picture of the Joker when your friends just want to pick up Mike Tyson's documentary because Blockbuster is having a sale. It's crying because you didn't put on sunblock and got sun poisoning and can't go on any of the rides at Disney World. Doodie has many definitions, and it is higher on the scale than poop, but lower than cockie.

Doodie, cockie, and poop are often preceded by the terms "pure", "absolute", and "really" often to emphasize just how high the caliber of doodie that has been done.

Friend 1: Oh man, did you see Craig today? He was wearing a cabana hat and listening to Harm's Way on full-blast!

Friend 2: Wow, that's doodie.

Friend 1: Yeah, that guy is pure doodie.

👍147 👎77

doodies - meme gif

doodies meme gif

doodies - video


Doodies - what is it?

To get ready for a night out on the town.

"Hurry up girls, let's get doodied up and meet the guys out at the bar!"

👍43 👎15

What does "doodies" mean?

Doo'dee poop

Dakota made a doody on the floor!

👍233 👎127

Doodies - what does it mean?

Detroit slang term for a friend!

What's up doody!
It's that D on mine!
Fo' Show doody!

👍295 👎163

Doodies - meaning

Eminems nickname from Proof

wow Doody, you can rap!

👍285 👎127

Doodies - definition

Word that you frequently confuse with "duty," particularly when you hear it on radio and TV, that causes you to laugh.

Newscaster: "It was his third tour of doody."

Interviewer: "So how long did you sit on jury doody?"

Saloon Keeper: "Did your bullet kill him, sheriff?"
Sheriff: "It was my doody!"

👍449 👎207

Doodies - slang

1.(n.)an unpleasant word that usually small children use to describe how they don't like someone; just plain creepy when a parent says it.
2.(n.)a nasty brown substance that comes out of your rear and lands in the toilet.

1.child: "No I don't want to go into time out! You're such a doodie!"
2.Ralph looked into the toilet and saw someone forgot to flush; there was a doodie floating in there.

👍327 👎127


shit, caca, feces

👍899 👎355


The brown stuff that comes out your ass

I doodie all the time.

👍1217 👎299


when you poo a lot after you have had exotic food

because of the mexican food i ate i have to make doodies

👍129 👎67