Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dom's?

Polish word meaning "house".

A: Gdzie jest wasz dom?
B: Nasz dom jest blisko jezioro.

(A: Where is your house?)
(B: Our house is near the lake.)

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dom's - meme gif

dom's meme gif

dom's - video


Dom's - what is it?

Known for his man meat sexual intercourse and a panty dropper godly singing voice And when he talks or has a conversation with you wanna pull his dick out and Give him a blowjob his actual name is dominic

Oh my god dominic can sing his little ass off I am soaking

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What does "dom's" mean?

Dom is like Craig from the movie β€œFriday” except with long hair and his mom is Hispanic and he is the sexiest with that dick you can feel in your spine touching your soul he will fuck you like how that ghost did in the movie β€œa haunted house” he likes drunk sex he is amazing and really funny his real name is dominic

Oh my god dom is the best sex I’ve ever had

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Dom's - what does it mean?

The dude who owes you money

DAMN IT DOM!! YOU OWE ME $378!!!!!

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Dom's - meaning

a nickname for Dominic the sexiest man alive or to ever exist on this planet making eye contact can cause you to faint or go weak in the knees hes a short guy with great skin complexion this guy can have sex with any female on the planet it's hard for him to work or go somewhere because there's a female or females always trying to or having sex with him

Wow Dom what the fuck

It can be a blessing or a curse bro either way somebody's getting satisfied though

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Dom's - definition

hottest mf to ever walk the planet!!! so hot. 10/10. so pretty. would fuck. so in love w him. best bff/bf. gonna marry that boy!!!

dom is sopheia’s bf and he is so lucky to have her bc she is so hot

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Dom's - slang

n. Short for "Dominant." The dominant person in a BDSM relationship or encounter.

She's looking for a dom who has knowledge of tying complicated knots.

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a verb, meaning to be dominated, or to have dominated someone - often used in BDSM context

It can be used to imply physical S&M domination (for example, with a crop cane or flogger) or it can be used to imply a mental domination (for example a dominant issuing verbal orders to a submissive)

derivation is from 'Dom' which is just a shortened version of 'Dominant'

dommed can be used for male or female, giving or receiving.

The countess dommed three men at the fetish club last night

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A pot-smoking, brown haired, young girl obsessed with young men that have brown hair and play DDR.

I think she is a Dom dom because she needs to stop obsessing over Robert.

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Dom Dom is a word to call someone who puts peanut butter on their dick to get it licked off by an animal (usually a dog but can be another animal likes cats)

Charlie: Dude that guy is a Dom Dom
Madison: I know what a freak

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