Definder - what does the word mean?

What is doc ock?

Abbreviated slang for β€˜occupational physician’.

Called in sick the other day. My boss doesn’t trust me, so now I have to visit Doc Ock to have my symptoms checked.

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doc ock - video


Doc ock - what is it?

doctor octopus without the octopus

"Bro that meme of doc no ock was so funny hahaha"

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "doc ock" mean?

(Noun, Verb) When a girl gets penetrated in 6 different orifices in her body by 6 different guys. Refers to the infamous tentacled character from the Spiderman comic books.

This morning was the worst. I woke up with every part of my body sore! I think I must have gotten doc-ocked last night!

Every hole in my body is huge so I'm perfect for a doc ock. I guess I better watch out.

-"Wanna doc ock me?"
-"Yeah, let me call up the guys"

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Doc ock - what does it mean?

nose hairs that protrude like doctor octopus tentacles

wow did you see joe's doc ock's? he really needs to trim those things in his nose.

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