Definder - what does the word mean?

What is do a Dave?

The act of inviting a woman out for a drink, paying for the couple of drinks that she drank. And then asking the next day for her to Venmo you for the two drinks that you paid for.

Please don’t tell me that after the fact you’re going to text your date from the night before and ask for her share of the bill. You can’t possibly be doing the Dave

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do a Dave - video


Do a Dave - what is it?

Doing a Dave is where somebody takes control of the music, plays progressive songs that are boring as fuck e.g BT but claims they are "classic" and was once played at the start of a set.

To cap it off the person doing the Dave will only play 20 seconds of a song before going off on a tangent to a totaly different song.

For fucks sake this guy is doing a Dave, I want to hear a whole song not just 20 seconds of it

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What does "do a Dave" mean?

Doing a Dave is when while playing Halo, someone gets shot with a Spartan Laser but doesn't die straight away.
This count for multiple hits on the player.

Pete: Did you see that shot? You should have died
Dave: I know
Pete: Yeah, you were Doing a Dave!

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Do a Dave - what does it mean?

If you drum for lots of bands, you are said to be doing Dave Grohl.

"I'm so tired. Doing Dave Grohl is going to kill me."

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Do a Dave - meaning

Doing a Dave is when the main instigator of a night out gets wasted and disappears home early on said night out after persuading everyone it's a good idea to go out. This usually involves Turbo Shandy and cider.

I'm totally wasted man!

Are you doing a Dave?

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Do a Dave - definition

When you miss the drop zone

Oh no! He’s missed the drop zone!

What? Again? Are you serious H?

Yep... afraid so. He’s done a dave.

Wow. Doing a dave again.

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Do a Dave - slang

Used to describe the behaviour of someone who is always in a grump, unable to enjoy even the simplist things in life

"Stop doing a dave on me" she said to the very grumpy faced person in the corner

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Do a Dave

To break wind and find out later that it was more than wind.

Dave: "Hey, I found a skid mark in my underwear. I guess it was more than just wind!"
Moe: "Well, that's how you do a Dave!"

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