Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dirt neck?

The useless and often lazy idiots on a construction site who don't have the sense to build or do a skilled trade so they just run machinery like skid steers or excavators.

These dirt necks don't know how to dig to grade, now our concrete will be poured to the wrong elevation!

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dirt neck - video


Dirt neck - what is it?

The useless and often lazy workers on a construction site who don't have the skill or ability to learn a trade so they just run excavators and other machinery playing in the dirt.

These dang dirt necks can't even dig to grade, now our concrete is gonna be at the wrong elevation when we pour!

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What does "dirt neck" mean?

When someone is dirty

Harry hasn't showered in a while, he is such a dirt neck

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Dirt neck - what does it mean?

Dirt neck is someone who is dirty , doesn’t wash , and has a purple or black neck

Your mad dirt neck

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Dirt neck - meaning

The word dirt neck means someone who is dirty , doesn’t wash , or there neck is hella dirt

Bye mad dirt neck

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Dirt neck - definition

A slow for a dark-skinned Black women, implying a negative connotation to their skin color

Her skin is so dark I can tell she is a dirt neck

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Dirt neck - slang

A filthy person who has done you wrong or who needs to wash their neck.

You really need to wash up boy! you don't wanna' end up a 'dirt neck' like your uncle.... do you?

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Dirt neck

another derogatory slur against people of color

yea we don’t wanna see you over here again you filthy dirt neck

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