Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dickor?

The act of placing dicks (also known as penis') virtually everywhere. The dicks can be real or faux, and can be anywhere, as long as they're everywhere.

-Tim drew a picture of a fat person.
-Brandon stole the picture and dickorated it.

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Dickor - what is it?

To decorate a person, place, or thing with various dick paraphernalia or drawings.

Chad's passed out, lets dickorate his face, bro!

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What does "dickor" mean?

To decorate using phalluses or phallic patterns

My friend had passed out on the couch so i decided to dickorate his face

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Dickor - what does it mean?

when your decor looks like a bunch of dicks

Dude, nice dickor!

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Dickor - meaning

The act of decorating a space for a bachelorette party with an abundance of phallus paraphernalia

Woman 1: Haayyy girl have you seen Jenny?
Woman 2: Nah, she's dickorating her place for Megan's bachelorette party tonight

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Dickor - definition

Any sort of decoration on a dick. Similar to the famous "Vagazzle", this would be the same on male parts.

When my girlfriend came over for the holidays, rather than bore her with decorating the house, and the tree, I had her dickorate me.

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Dickor - slang

When you see a well hung dick and just become mesmorized, losing your thought process and are at a loss for words. dick + mesmorized

He sent me a pic of his goods and I became dickorized!

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The act of decorating one's penis through methods including but not limited to:
- tattoos
- diamonds
- stickers
- wax paintings
- gems
- piercings

Synonyms: pejazzling, aka. penis vajazzling.

"Oh Pedro, your dickorations make my vajazzles tingle."

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