Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dickneck?

A long neck dinosaur or a colloquial greeting amongst friends

Whaddup Dicknecks!!

Look at that dickneck.

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dickneck - video


Dickneck - what is it?

It's like a dick
But on your neck
You follow?

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Dicknecks
You: It's like a dick
You: But on your neck
You: You follow?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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What does "dickneck" mean?

A word often used by folk who have problems existing in a normal society. These people are usually, but not exclusively, virgins and male - most of which supplement their lack of social lives with computer games, wrestling, ventrilo or sometimes LAN, where they get to interact with equally socially inept virgins.

Paul: Mike, you're a dickneck

Mike: Yes mate.

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Dickneck - what does it mean?

Someone who does not close dates well.

That dickneck didn't try to kiss me or offer a ride home at the end of our date.

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Dickneck - meaning

when someones neck and head represents a penis usually looks quite funny

scott-"riley dejardans has a dickneck"
riley-"hey stfu im gunna go jack off to my ugly girlfriend"

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Dickneck - definition

A serious and potentially painful condition which the neck becomes ridgid and stiff from blowing me too much

Sha-ney-ney told me she woke up with a wicked case of dickneck from blowing me too much.

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Dickneck - slang

a rather insulting term used to describe/call that one person in everyones group of friends that is generaly disliked.

dan-" hey guys! no one told me that we were all hanging out today!?"
mike-"shut up dickneck"

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penis cleavage - or showing everything of your penis but the head. also known as the shaft.

Hey that guys pants are so low I can see his dickneck.

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1. Terminology used to describe a bad poker player
2. Description of a person who's neck resembles a dick
3. A real asshole

"Jesus tit this guy plays like a dickneck!"
"What a dickneck move!"

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An old person who covers their neck to hide their age.

Hey Nardine did you see the size of Debs collar?
Yeah Vick she's a dickneck.

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