Definder - what does the word mean?

What is derks?

To dip from the police/parents/anyone worth running from
Originated by a local DJ in the 925
Joey Cerletti AKA DJ Joey C

O fuck my parents are home, DERK!

Holy shit, its the cops, we gotta derk it.

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derks - meme gif

derks meme gif

derks - video


Derks - what is it?

A word mixing the common insults; dick, dork, and jerk together. A derk is usually used to describe an annoying or agitating person/place/thing.

That guy is such a derk.

It was like walking into Derksville.

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What does "derks" mean?

A short person with a big with a big butt, who likes to have pirate fights with Scooter in his jungle. They also like eating chicken while looking at flowers and playing Halo 5. They bake good cakes and annoy Lulu. MAKE GOOD WIVES.
(Only cool people are derks)

I'm a derk, you're a derk, we're all derks.

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Derks - what does it mean?

shortened form of derek, one who enjoys constant douchebaggery, qualities can be compared to that of a taxi driver

"yo you derk! drive me to that party!"
"ok, but pay me for gas i only get half a mile to the gallon"

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Derks - meaning

The computer geek version of Derek.

Computer geeks cannot pronounce words of more than one syllable therefore Derek becomes Derk. Derk is the formal form but can be malformed further into Derkio when geeks want something Derek has, this is usually edible items eg cake or orange flavoured kit-kats.

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Derks - definition

When an optical computer mouse's pointer decides to fly off into a corner of the screen without your consent.

"I can't find my cursor, my mouse must have derked."

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Derks - slang

The act of moving one's penis without using your hands. The male form of twerking.

"Did you guys see Tommy Pistol playing video games while derking video on IG?"

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dork+jerk=derk. This word was made up by the insane people over at he disney channel

Tudgeman-Hi Kate
Kate-Get out of my way derk!

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A dance that is a combination between twerking and daggering that is primarily meant to lower the IQ of both the dancers and to let other people feel better about themselves.

Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke were totally derking

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fat thighs

"she spread her derks for me"
"my derks are chaffing"

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