Definder - what does the word mean?

What is delegator?

In the workplace, to expand an overwhelming vortex of simmering drama by including and exploiting an unsuspecting colleague. Drama Delegation is generally associated with a Resident Drama Queen ("RDQ"), drama dialing and the dreaded dreply to all. Often times, the drama delegation is preceded by a drama fly in or followed by a second-effort drama dial to additional unwilling colleagues IYW.

Trudy: "Don, could you send an email to the team letting them know that I have a call in to tech support about the printer? Thanks much! (smile)"

Don: (under his breath) "This drama delegation makes me look like a drama chump. What a dusted chimp."

👍79 👎23

delegator - meme gif

delegator meme gif

delegator - video


Delegator - what is it?

When 2 people of similar ranks and/or tenure are working together closely on the same projects and they each keep managing to delegate tasks back and forth more than once each.

Eric walks into Bill's office and states "Bill, I need you to work up a proposal for the Cincinnati project." Bill says, "OK, can you review this report and print it in color?" As Eric lays 2 folders on Bill's desk, he says, "Sure. And by the way, here is the information you need to finish the Oklahoma project." Bill says, "thank you." and as Eric is leaving Bill's office, Bill zips Eric an email requesting Eric to fill-in for him at this week's seminar. Thus, a delegation duel.

👍53 👎15

What does "delegator" mean?

A place where young adolescents with oversized libidos release tremendous sexual tension that has been accumulating for several days while participating in a stressful Model United Nations conference (Such as U of Penn MUN or UC Berkley MUN). The most insane and grimy party you've ever been to. Expect it to be packed with sweaty teens of all nationalities. Managing to maneuver through the dance floor is quite a challenge, you will likely get shoved and pushed as if you were in one massive mosh pit. Nationalities will often remain in packs on the dance floor, be cautious of "straight off the boat" foreigners as they are often hideous. Your clothes will undoubtedly be drenched with sweat by the end of the 4 hour affair beginning at 9 PM and ending at 12 PM. HORNY TEENS fear not, there will be plenty of MUN POON circulating through out the dance. Girls are often extremely attractive while the guys tend to be huge nerds. Delegates can expect anything from handjobs to hook ups on the dance floor. The Delegate Dance is similar to a huge orgy of teens. If one does not receive MUN POON at the dance, he has failed at life. See also: MUN POON

Jordan: Dude what was your body count at the Delegate Dance last night?
Daniel: Bro, I got so much MUN POON. I hooked up with 9 fine ass girls. Some girl gave me brain right on the dance floor. GOML dawg.
Jordan: Dayum. I got attacked by a bunch of chicks from China.
Daniel: Gross

👍171 👎41

Delegator - what does it mean?

Likely to delegate. The quality of being someone who delegates work or responsibility to others. Empowering and trusting in leadership.

A delegative leader, he tends to entrust others with decision-making and responsibility.

👍33 👎17

Delegator - meaning

To dump off on associates of lower grade levels.

Give all doo doo work to Stephanie.

👍119 👎69

Delegator - definition

An adjective used to describe the modern woman, who is attractive, fun, and very comfortable with her sexuality. Put simply, she is both "down" and "elegant". Also known as perfect.

I'm tired of all these prude girls man, but I don't want a slut either. I need to find a girl that is delegant.

👍89 👎43

Delegator - slang

When some bastard above you gives you work that they can't be bothered to do themselves.

I'd like to delegate some responsibility to you.... go make me a coffee.

👍115 👎47


A woman who is attractive, fun, and very comfortable with her sexuality. Put simply, it is someone who is both "down" and "elegant". Also know as perfect.

I'm sick of all these prude girls, but I don't want a slut either. I need someone who is delegant.

👍51 👎17


Get someone else to do the work because you're too lazy and busy eating pasties.

Fat Matt: "Hey, Grant I've got a meaningless task I'm going to delegate that will do nothing to develop you"
Grant: "What, again?"

👍197 👎51


one who makes others do stuff for them

go get me my shoes

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