Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RDQ?

Another term for a fabrication. An RDQ is when someone is making shit up. What they are saying has no basis or foundation in fact. They are inventing or perhaps just lying to you. In other words, they are pulling it out of their ass. And that, my friends, is what we call a Rectal Database Query.

Sales team associate's conversation:
Sales guy #1: I don't know how my coworker derived these sales figures.

Sales guy #2: I know right?! He must have used an RDQ.
Sales guy #1: What's an RDQ?
Sales guy #2: A rectal database query (RDQ)!

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RDQ - video


RDQ - what is it?

Really Dumb Queer

"Did you hear that fag talking all loud and flamboyantly while kissing his boyfriend in front of all those families and young children."

"Yes, total RDQ. I hope he gets aids."

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