Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cudders?

the act of punching a female vagina. only done when a bitch gets you really pissed off. the female version of being punched in the balls. also a move that male Pokemon do to female Pokemon, mainly done by grundel-taint.

"Amber was being a real bitch last night, so i decided to cudder-punch her."

"Green be lucky i don't cudder-punch you."

" Knigga really loves to have sex for 2 hours with a bitch and then as he cums he gives them a strong cudder-punch."

"Grundel-taint give her the cudder-punch"

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cudders - meme gif

cudders meme gif

cudders - video


Cudders - what is it?

When a person Slaps you in the face with their dick really hard

Please slap me in the face with you're dick (cudders)

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What does "cudders" mean?

(coo- der) another word for coochie, but for a way to say it undercover

omg becky your cudder sticky
don’t look at my cudder

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Cudders - what does it mean?

a female pussy, but it has to be clean, it cant be stanky and unshaved

eat my cudder, you mac nasty

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Cudders - meaning

The nickname to the Ray Ban Wayfafer sunglasses used by Kid Cudi.

I gotta get myself some cudders.

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Cudders - definition

A way to read "CDR", a basic function of the Lisp programming language.

My other car is a cdr (read "cudder").

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Cudders - slang

Rapper Kid cudi's nick name, used in some of his songs, etc. Daps and Pound.

You dont want Cudder to transform to a maniac.

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