Definder - what does the word mean?

What is courtney's?

A girl that will take your breath away with her beauty :)

Bob: Whoa dude are you having a heart attack??
Billy: No, Courtnei just looked at me and my heart stopped

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courtney's - meme gif

courtney's meme gif

courtney's - video


Courtney's - what is it?

1. The name of a girl who is beautiful, strong, and intelligent. One who is easy to fall in love with but impossible to let go. She is funny, exciting, and enthusiastic. Courtney has an amazing personality that appeals to every person fortunate enough to meet her. Her eyes are captivating, her smile, intoxicating, and her heart lights the darkest, coldest souls and fills them with happiness. She is the reason why I believe in love.

2. Another word for perfection.

3. God's most precious and wonderful angel.

If there's one thing for certain in this world of confusion, it's that Courtney is everything to me.

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What does "courtney's" mean?

this bitch will fucking choke you! she’s kinky asf
but very artistic as well!

I heard Courtney is a kilker

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Courtney's - what does it mean?

A name of a person

That person’s name is Courtney

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Courtney's - meaning

The most amazing and unique girl in the universe. She is an absolute beauty, even though she doesn't fully believe so herself (although countless guys have tried to get with her; she still hasn't quite caught on yet). She has infinite talents and capabilities, and she is extremely persistent with anything and everything she hopes to achieve. With those two attributes at hand, she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to, she is easy to love and hard to forget, she is curious as can be and will ask you the questions that need to be asked rather you wanted them asked or not, she is a true friend and a pleasure to know

Person1: your such a courtney* Courtney....

Person2: aww thank you. :)

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Courtney's - definition

If you ever meet a Courtney. She will change your life. You will see what true love is of she is your girlfriend. She's honest. Loyal. And so cute. She would be shy as well. She blushes alot.

Courtney is so beautiful!

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Courtney's - slang

Courtney is a great friend. She is funny and beautiful. She can make anyone laugh when they are feeling down. She is so pretty and amazingly awesome. I love my best friend Courtney and if you meet one keep them around they might be just like mineπŸ’•

Girl1 "who's that girl dancing in the hallway

Friend "that's Courtney isn't she so funny and amazing and pretty"
Girl1 " oh yeah Courtney she's hilarious and amazingly beautiful"

Courtney is an amazing friend ILYSM BestieπŸ˜˜πŸ’•

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The most beautiful, smart, fun loving, easy to love, girl. The girl you will never forget about, and always want. She is sexy when she doesn't mean to. She will love you with all her heart and is just the best girl ever. No matter how much you are around every time feels like the first and you always get butterflies. Easily the best girl you'll ever find.

Hey man remeber that girl you dated?
Who Courtney? I'll never forget that love man.

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One of the kindest caring people ever. She is so loveable and when talking to her you are sure to have a laugh. She is always smiling and is friends with everyone. It’s impossible to dislike her and if you do you’re just jealous. She is great at keeping secrets and listening to others. She would never hurt someone on purpose. She loves to dance and listen to music. Sometimes she puts herself down and thinks she isn’t worth it but she needs to know she is amazing, beautiful, talented and has such a kind caring soul.

guy: look at that girl over there!
Girl: yeah that’s Courtney, she is my bestfriend
Guy: woah

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An amazing young woman with a strong, amazing personality. Usually has a smile on her face and is really pretty. Courtney is very loving and faithful. You can trust Courtney with anything, she wont let you down. Also a great kisser and great for cuddling. By far better than all the dirty hoes runnin around now a days!

Did you see that girl cuhhz?
How could I not? Thats a Courtney!
Whoever is with her is lucky as fuck!!

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