Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chode?

A particularly short penis which is wider than it is long. Usually very difficult to handle, both in the metaphorical and literal sense. Named after a form of sausage which is pathetically small.

A: "Didn't you say you slept with Bob on Wednesday?"
B: "Yeah but it was shit,"
A: "Why's that?"
B: "Well, I went to give him a quick blowy, but I couldn't get my lips around his pancake chode. It was like trying to eat a cheese wheel vertically"

👍25 👎11

chode - meme gif

chode meme gif

chode - video


Chode - what is it?

(n.)1. Male body part located between the scrotum and the anus.

(n.)2. Extremely lame guy.

1. Lick my chode.

2. That guy is such a chode.

👍4981 👎4871

What does "chode" mean?

a penis that has a greater girth than length

like this 8IID
rather than this 8===D

DAMN!!! Lester's chode looks like a stack of 4 mini pancakes!

👍1103 👎987

Chode - what does it mean?

1) the skin between your balls and your asshole
2) a stupid person who does stupid things

1) "dude, my gf licked my chode last night"
2) "tara is such a chode sometimes"

👍24265 👎23269

Chode - meaning

Please, people--chode or choad is a multipurpose word which refers primarily to:

a) A penis which is wider than it is long (it is most certainly anatomically possible, for I have seen one for myself--it is not likely to be a common occurrence, but it certainly exists).

b) A duplicate term for the taint (perineum).

c) A fabulous insult combining the insultative power of both shades of meaning above.

a) "Holy Shit!!! The chode is real! It exists! I saw it with my own eyes! the hell can he have meaningful sex with that???"

b) "After that marathon, I had to use an abrasive to remove my chode scum because the bath just didn't do the job."

c) "Dude, that kid complements the professor so much it makes me sick--he's such a chode-slurper!"

👍7861 👎7383

Chode - definition

The area between your srotum and rectum... from the mid 1800's when this was thought to be a muscle. In 1879, it first showed up in medical books as Chodimus Maximus, and was later shortened to Chode in 1903. In 1920 it was discovered to actually not be a muscle, but the name stuck!!!
In french it is known as the Taint and the Souix Indian Tribe effectionately called it the fleshy fun bridge

Gold bond feels good on a sweaty chode!!!

👍19617 👎18039

Chode - slang

Chode, also spelt choad, is a variant of the word choda (penis) which comes from the Hindi word (chodna). Chodna simply means to fuck. The word chode however is what is known as a neologism. This is a word that is newly acknowledged but has not been in circulation long enough or widely enough for its social status to be determined. As it stands, the word chode has three major definitions.
1) A short, fat penis that is wider than it is longer
2) The area between the scrotum/vagina and the anus.
3) A derogatory term used to insult somebody.

1) Ducas has a fat chode.
2) Last night your mom tongued my chode.
3) Quit being such a chode.

👍1935 👎1541


From Chode is a synonym of perineum: The perineum is the area between the anus and genitals (in both males and females). Chode (not to be confused with "choad" meaning a penis that has a width bigger than length)(wikipedia)
Go to wikipedia for more synonyms like gooch and taint(from a contraction of "it ain't", as in "'Tain't penis, and 'tain't ass")

She just loves licking my chode on the way from my ass to my nuts.

👍259 👎133


when your penis can touch all sides of a Tuna can without touching the bottom.

My oh my, look what he is doing with that Starkist can! He has a chode!

👍12013 👎7375


a fat and short penis

Whoa, a chode!!

👍47 👎17