Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chadis?

This is an odia phrase, which means “Teri mummy ki chadi” in Hindi and “your mom’s pantie” in English. Mostly used when someone is in the state of anguish or just want to end a debate with something savage. This was invented in 2017 by some school girl.

Person1: IMO flat earth theory is true!!The flat Earth model assumes that the Earth is shaped like a plane or disc. Many ancient nations, including Greece until the classical period, the Near Eastern Bronze Age and Iron Age civilizations until the Hellenistic period, and China until the 17th century, believed in a flat Earth cosmography.
Person2: To Bou Chadi

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chadis - meme gif

chadis meme gif

chadis - video


Chadis - what is it?

Chadi senhaji is the best and most famous of all ages

Omg I saw chadi senhaji I have to take a picture with him

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What does "chadis" mean?

Chady daddy is a very well rounded man with a good sense of fashion and humor. He often is found at local bars, or pickup places, or parties in the area where his Camero, or Pickup truck can get him to. He is often very good looking, and will get his way with the ladies.

Chady daddy is so hot, I wish I could date him. (party chick)

👍25 👎11

Chadis - what does it mean?

Otherwise known as Chadicus.

an amazingly badass guitar player who plays every instrument known to man.

used to have long hair and cut it and is hoping to give it to locks of love


Check out Chadis. He dominated over EVERYONE!

👍41 👎27

Chadis - meaning

a very extreamly confusing guy. shows that he has feelings for you sometimes, but then might just randomly stop talking to you at any time. veryy flirtatious. manwhore. willll lead you on. halarious. full of charisma. you have to love him. boys are jealous of him. girls are jealous of the girl he is flirting with at the time..

not persistant.

changes moods easily; moody.

greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth..yet i still want to be with him..

i am soooo confused about what to do about Chady..he is great..but confusingggg. he constantly makes me sad, angryy, or depressed. its upsetting. is it worth it??

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Chadis - definition

He is a guy that wil never hurt you and will love you but gets rejected caus of his looks en he is lovley and nice


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Chadis - slang

Chady is a person who is liked by everyone. He is smiling, caring, modest and respectful, but can be violent and cancel people who piss him off.

Chady loves a challenge and wants to win it. He needs to go out every day and be involved in an artistic environment, especially music, to find satisfaction.

His favorite fruit is the fruit of his labor and his favorite vegetable is french fries. Chady's favorite snack is Kinder Bueno and he usually eats fast food, even though he knows it's bad for his health.

Person 1: Look over there, a 6ft3 guy getting his ass kicked by a 5ft4 woman!

Person 2: He's probably a Chady!

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Best Guy ever smart handsome and a good friend

The Chadi is my g

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Chadi is a name. Only brilliant, smart and handsome boys are named Chadi

Chadi is a beast
Chadi is the best

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Is a tall bad motherfucker, he doesn't give a fuck about anything or about someone. But, he's a good guy.

"Chadi is always calm, just don't fuck around with him"

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