Definder - what does the word mean?

What is carder?

Putting body wash in your hand and using your hand to clean the inside of your ass cheeks.

Not using a wash cloth or loofa to clean the inside of your ass cheeks like a fucking monster = Credit Carder

👍25 👎11

carder - meme gif

carder meme gif

carder - video


Carder - what is it?


Now, that Diabla is a real carder!

👍25 👎11

What does "carder" mean?

One who uses Credit cards that belong to Individuals who do not exist in real life. *See See Project GPO Black Bank Budget

Go ahead use this credit card number for the pizza, Its from a ghost base carder site so don't worry

👍27 👎11

Carder - what does it mean?

A serial carder is known to prey on virgins who are typically 'late' to lose their virginity. These girls are most often fresh out of high school and tend to be the last of their friends to be v-carded. The serial carder swoops in and tells these young girls anything and everything they want to hear in hopes of nailing a virgin. After swiping her v-card, the serial carder milks the situation to his advantage until the young girl is no longer young, at which point, he moves on to the next virgin.

Connie: OMG I finally had sex with Jarret! He told me he loves me! I think he might be the one!

Susie: Connie, your boyfriend is a serial carder. Not only is he going to dump you, but he already told me he wants to pop my cherry on prom night...

👍35 👎11

Carder - meaning

A collector or lover of cards.

"Wow, look at all of your cards"
"Yeah, I'm a Carder"

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Carder - definition

A Rich white dude typically tall and looks thentening but is really just a pussy that wouldn’t hurt a fly. A carder uses its money in desperate measures in order to secure the bread. Astrologicly compatible with a Mainong

Carder your a meanie

👍33 👎17

Carder - slang

A sexy ass muthafucker who has a very fat large cock and often caught being YOLOing with his niggas. he'll kick your ass without moving, thats how buffed up and sexy he is. Sometimes his large dick drags against the ground causing massive earthquakes throughout southern Asia. It has been said that those who talk to him become enlightened forever and become geniuses, such as Einstein and their cocks become all powerful beings who rule the earth for a millennium.

"Dude, your the most awesome person i've ever met, who are you?"

"I'm Carder"

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term use for an individual who uses stolen online credit cards for fraudulent transactions online.

hey man! you got alot of gadgets. are you a carder?

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