Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cannibal's?

A person who is fed up with people.

You should feel bad because of that pun. A cannibal probably wouldn't get it.

👍95 👎31

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Cannibal's - what is it?

is the act or phrase of one human being consuming another. There is little evidence that cannibalism was ever practiced as a routine source of nutrition. It is generally agreed the practice usually carried a special meaning for its practitioners.

Person: Holy shit! Why are you eating me??!!
Cannibal: Relax, man. I'm a cannibal; it's my religion.

👍217 👎79

What does "cannibal's" mean?

(1.) A person that feeds on the flesh of other humans.
(2.) An animal that eats it's own kind.
(3.) Someone who performs oral sex on others.
(4.) Someone who eats the tinned meat from Netto.

(1.) I hear this movie has cannibals in it!
(2.) These animals often resort to cannibalism when they have eaten all other species in the area.
(3.) Cannibals are fun!
(4.) Eww.. you're eating 1/2 Priis netto's tinned meat? Are you a cannibal or something?

👍405 👎157

Cannibal's - what does it mean?

A very popular sport invented in Cambodia in 1924 to solve their overpopulation problem. The European occupation helped it spread to Britain, but was soon banned in both lands due to Cambodian dictatorship and British protest (King George III was nearly eaten by the Duke of York).

It is still practiced by Cambodian tribes, and is pressured to become an Olympic sport.

My Cambodian friend, Xiao Dong, likes to play cannibalism with my family, but every time we play one of my relatives goes missing....

👍153 👎43

Cannibal's - meaning

The process of a person or thing eating the flesh or organs of a creature of the same species. Is a way of life in some tribes.

The man was forced to eat the woman's flesh after she froze to death and food was scarce.

👍331 👎91

Cannibal's - definition

eating your own species.

oh my god, he is a cannibal, he ate my best friend.

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Cannibal's - slang

To put it frankly:
People eating other people.
Also works for animals, as long as they're the same species.

The deserted pioneers had to resort to cannibalism to survive.

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Any animal that devours its own kind.

"Does this taste funny to you?"

Overheard when two cannibals were eating a clown.

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The solution to the human overpopulation problem.

People who think cannibalism is mean are bitches who should be eaten first.

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Someone who is fed up with people.

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