Definder - what does the word mean?

What is c.r.a.f.t?

Can't Remember A Flippin' Thing!

As in "I'm having a C.R.A.F.T. moment". Sometimes caused by involuntary memory loss, sometimes a selective memory relapse used purposely to avoid getting involved in discussing an event.

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c.r.a.f.t - meme gif

c.r.a.f.t meme gif

c.r.a.f.t - video


C.r.a.f.t - what is it?

C.R.A.F.T. is an acronym for the phrase "Can't Remember Fucking Thing". It is also the name of one of the worst bands to bless the planet. They take classic Irish tunes and then proceed to make the crapiest shuffle rock you've ever heard. Ironically, you'll never be able to forget the band because, honestly, who can forget three guys shitting in your ear?

Son: Mommy, who is that playing that music?

Mother: Why that's C.R.A.F.T. dear.

Son: When I grow up I also want to be part of the shittiest band ever created.

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What does "c.r.a.f.t" mean?

Cant Remember A Fucking Thing

A group or gathering of people who wish to consume alcohol to another level.

"went out on friday, became o member of the craft society!"

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C.r.a.f.t - what does it mean?

Acronym: Can't Remember A Fucking Thing

State of being exemplified by the avid partier.

You're such a craft.

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C.r.a.f.t - meaning

cant remember a fucking thing

i suffer from c.r.a.f.t.

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C.r.a.f.t - definition

Short for Can't Remember A Fuckin Thing. Usually used as an expression to describe your previous night of binging.

"So how was last night mate? Dunno, I had a CRAFT night!"

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C.r.a.f.t - slang

C.R.A.F.T meaning:

Can't Remember A Fucking Thing.

Used when you have that moment when you keep forgetting things people have said to you.

Aaah for Fuck sake I keep having a C.R.A.F.T moment.

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