Definder - what does the word mean?

What is burking it?

A person, male or female, who can drink anything alcoholic, including a warm hobo beer, at any time of the day.

Bianca's drinking that 211 at three o' clock today, she can just Burks it like that

👍113 👎97

burking it - video


Burking it - what is it?

a dance that involves little to no clothing

Watching him burke makes me want to shit in a bag.

👍165 👎135

What does "burking it" mean?

Driving annoyingly slow in the passing lane, causing everyone to be late and bottlenecking traffic.

"This orange Aveo is burking me on the 402, I can't get around it or the transport driving side by side."

" I drive ultra slow in the ultra fast lane, while the people behind me are going insane! I'm an Asshole!" - Dennis Leary

👍71 👎41

Burking it - what does it mean?

It is a term in a video game when a player me-lee's when he or she doesn't mean to.

Chris and Sean are taking turns playing COD
Chris:Why the fuck did you knife when there was no one there
Sean:Sorry Chris I burked again

👍145 👎85

Burking it - meaning

When an accident prone or klutzy individual spills something, makes a mess, or causes themselves mild pain or injury.

He really burked it when he spilled coffee all over his cubicle wall.


You dropped your drinking bird on the floor, and now there's a blue stain. You really burked it.

👍53 👎21

Burking it - definition

A teenager that is a little crazy but a good friend.

your such a Burke

👍79 👎33

Burking it - slang

1. The best name for a child

2. burks

Burks: Burks

👍51 👎19

Burking it

The act of showing up for class with prior knowledge of an upcoming test without studying and proceeding to take the test blindly.

John- " Did you study for today's test?"

Sam- "Nah, I'm Burking it."

👍53 👎19

Burking it

A nob, moron or fool.
An idiot

"Your mother's party was shit man"
"It was a fucking funeral you burk!"

👍867 👎267

Burking it

To throw up at a party with the ultimate outcome of ruining the party.

"Did Kevin just burke it?"
"Yeah, I think he just burked it."
"What a bitch."

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