Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bungo?

Literally what it sounds like. Say it slow tungo bungo. Tongue-go-bungo or the act of putting your tongue in ones bung hole.

*Tyler's mom- "I've never had sex with my husband, come here Chewbacca I wanna give you some good ol fashioned tungo bungo"

*Chewy- "Gaaaaaaaaaaa!"

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bungo - meme gif

bungo meme gif

bungo - video


Bungo - what is it?

A state of extreme hunger.

Man, I'm really hungo bungo right now.

Anyone down for some hungo bungo's?

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What does "bungo" mean?

The act of wearing tropical or hawaiian themed shirts/attire often out to bars, parties, or other social occasions. Typically done regardless of the current season or weather, contradicting the traditional context in which it is appropriate to wear such clothing.

Person 1: We should go out tonight, but I don't know what to wear.
Person 2: We could do fungo bungo.
Person 1: But we're in the middle of winter!
Person 2: And?

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Bungo - what does it mean?

The first international of bts.

BTS = bungo stray dogs

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Bungo - meaning

A nickname of affection; another word for love for those of the highest quality.

She has been out all day, I miss my Bungo.
Good Morning Bungo, did you sleep well?

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Bungo - definition

to fuck something up badly

he bungoed the whole thing

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Bungo - slang

Bungie's cute little nickname.

So bungo could you possibly remove bloom from console.

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Huge, large, ample, a translangeration of humungous

from The Bugged-Out Surfer Necronomes theme song: "catching bungo air on an energy tuber / really ain't that hard to do"

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The anus; the arse (ass); bung hole; (semantic perjoration of the name of a character in a British children's television show)

I hope I don't get it in the bungo!

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BUNGO is the word to describe something or someone is abit dumb or slow mentally.

used within a circle of friends, non offensive

"yes jason, you are a bungo!!"

"your such a bungo head"

"andrae stop playing with that bungo phone"

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