Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bugsy?

To describe someone that bugs and nags, especially a wife or girlfriend.

Bugsy wouldn't stop bugging about the trash in the kitchen.

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Bugsy - what is it?

Bugsy is the best looking chick on Believe the hype!

👍45 👎71

What does "bugsy" mean?

a person who acts like a dog with a rather small brain.

not the smartest in classes but tends to be great at sport.
tall and has a big build, with brown eyes and shiny hair.
a good name for a dog.

"Oh him? He's such a Bugsy, always playing sports but never attempting in classes!"
"I saw that guy run into a glass door the other day! what a Bugsy."

👍33 👎21

Bugsy - what does it mean?

top bloke, likes to dance and sing all the day long. likes to sell things and eat well.

dont make bugsy fall or he will chop of your willie

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Bugsy - meaning

Someone who 'burrows' themselves from real life situations, someone who is afraid of either revealing/facing/accepting the truth, by digging, or 'burrowing' themselves into holes to hide secrets, normally such things like homosexuality. The word 'Bugsy' coming from a common Rabbits name, which are known for 'burrowing'/digging holes.

'Dude, have you heard about Toby? He's gay?'
'Nah he told me it wasn't true,'
'Trust me, I've seen pics, he's definatily being a bit Bugsy.'

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Bugsy - definition

(Adjective) Used in certain part of Asia.

To describe a person with beautiful personality and quality that come with minor peculiarities (in a good or cute kind of way).

She is very classy, cute and clever but tend to be clumsy at times. She is such a Bugsie!

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Bugsy - slang

when you want to claim something or to do something before someone else RB

BUGSY! going on the swing first!

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the don; the big guy

"bugsy" siegel

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verb. (Brit) to get dibs on something

i bugsie the last piece of pizza.

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1)when a girl is overbearing or annoying, e.g. too emotionally attached, too soon, talks too much, etc.
2)a girl who is bugsy

1)"How was your date last night?"
"Man, what a whip. That girl is bugsy!"
2)"This girl won't stop calling me; what a bugsy."

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