Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brown baggin'?

when a slut is to fucking ugly to look at during place the brown bag over her head....then draw a prettier face on the bag.....

can u wear this bag, cuz its prettier than you are, and i dont mind brown baggin it.

👍29 👎23

brown baggin' - video


Brown baggin' - what is it?

1. The act of doing nothing in particular, however your time is seemingly occupied by small and entertaining activities, typically whilst under the infulence of marijuana.

2. A lifestyle involving the frequent use of marijuana where by your days are occupied by unholesome yet entertaining activities.

3. A trendy style of clothing which has its roots in 60's hippie culture, with contempary infulence from techno and jazz. Most important is always comfort.

1. What are you doing today?
You know, brown baggin' it, might play some cod, cook some food, go for a treck.

2. "Just been brown baggin' for the past few weeks."

3. "Those pants are pretty brown baggin'."
"You should feel the wind on my balls."

👍29 👎17

What does "brown baggin'" mean?

The process of putting a brown bag over a sex partner's face to fully engage in sexuall activity without seeing that partner's face to ruin the act itself.

DAMN she has a fine body, but i would have to be brown baggin that face for the deed to get done.

👍47 👎35

Brown baggin' - what does it mean?

When having sex with a girl in missionary style with a dirty butthole and it leaves a brown mark on your ball bag.

I Fucked a girl last night and she had me brown baggin, dirty bitch.

👍33 👎15

Brown baggin' - meaning

The act of just hagging out with you and some of your biddies. Or to just chill and not care about anything about the surrounding environment.

yo man what you be doin this weekend with tonz.
Me and Tonz will be Brown baggin\' it all night.
True That.

👍31 👎13

Brown baggin' - definition

A bastardization of the word lunchin, which then formed the term lunchbox to describe an individual who is lunchin hard. It was then evolved into the "brown bag" (as one may use as a vessel for lunch). If you are brown-baggin it, you are trippin out, acting stupid, wayy too high for your own good, idiotically smashed; a drunken fool.

K: For sheazy, you are crazy my bizzle.
M: I'm brown baggin it, forshaganoff!

👍71 👎53

Brown baggin' - slang

Seattle, WA

brown baggin is when you're walkin around in public drinking alcohol, most likely out of a brown bag.

Some of the more clever people prefer to hide the alcohol in an incognito cup, this is refered to as The Magiver Cup

"fuckin homeless people always brown baggin down town, I wish we could put them all in an arena and watch them eat each other."

👍41 👎15

Brown baggin'

When a guy stupidly wipes his ass from back to front and does with too much vigor which results in smearing plop on his nutbag, thus giving him a brown bag.

"Dude, I was drunk and wiped back-to-front. It was more viscous than I had initially anticipated, and well, I wound up brown baggin' it."

👍47 👎17

Brown baggin'

A term to describe someone drinking an alcoholic beverage from a can/bottle/container while its still in the brown bag from when it was purchased.

Often used in cities to attempt to hide the fact that one is actually drinking alcohol.... as if anyone who witnessed this wouldnt know.

We were sitting in the park brown baggin it. Man, did we get f*cked up!!

Person#1: You were drinking right downtown?
Person#2: Yup
Person#1: How did you get away with it?
Person#2: I was brown baggin it, man!!

Did you see that bum on the street?? He was totally brown baggin it!!

👍107 👎37

Brown baggin'

1. Bringing your lunch to work or school in a brown "paper" bag. 2. A dirty t-bag, normally performed after anal sex or a long days work. 3. Placing a brown paper bag over your sexual partners face, due to ugliness or to better fantasize.

Dude: Im brown baggin today! Damn snack machine always eats my dollars

Woman:Oh god, what are you doing? You never go ass to mouth!
Man: Im brown baggin your pie hole, leave me alone lunchbox

Woman:Why do you always brown bag me before we have sex?
Dude: I like thinkin about your sister..

👍53 👎15