Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brofos?

you can call someone special to you brofo like your girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, ect.

“Hey brofo, how’ve you been” “i love you brofo”

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brofos - video


Brofos - what is it?

Two male friends that screw each others mothers. Shortened of Brotherfathers.

"You guys really do each other's mom a lot. Are you neighbours or something?"

"They're brofos."

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What does "brofos" mean?

Like a mofo, but with a brother!

Nicole is such a brofo!

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Brofos - what does it mean?

Brother from another mother

Hey brofo, wassup?

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Brofos - meaning

A sibling, or even a male who used to be a friend, who you no longer get along with.

BroFoe used to be my best friend but he stole from me and now I can't stand him.

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Brofos - definition

a bro who is a fo, mofo

wassup brofo!! yeah shits going down gee

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Brofos - slang

Derived from the term brother fucker; one who has sex with her biological brother. Often regarded as myth, there are documented cases, particularly common in Louisiana. The cause of this behavior may be linked to such deep-rooted narcissism that one only sexually desires their perceived genetic equal.

Barista: Liz Landry, the manager, yeah she's a brofo.
Customer: She fucks her own brother?!
Barista: Yeah.
Customer: You mean, like her step-brother, right?
Barista: No. Her brother.
Customer: The balding douche that just dropped her off flowers?
Barista: Who, Jason? Yeah. They share a pillow.

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Someone who is a pal, but also an enemy: For example, an aquaintance on a rival sports team. Can also be used to describe someone who is usually a better freind when he does something antagonistic. Not to be confused with brofo which is entirely different.

Don't get too friendly with their quarterback - at best, you're just brofoes.

Why'd you rat me out man? Sometimes you can be such a brofoe!

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