Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bowes?

Unusually muscular; body builder. May describe someone who uses anabolic steroids.

"Damn that guy is BOWED!"

"I've got some new stuff to help me get bowed up."

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bowes - meme gif

bowes meme gif

bowes - video


Bowes - what is it?

Porno groove. It is used generally as something to point out sexualy (unintentional) phrases or actions. It originates from the way the backround music in porn sounds.

"No body wants me, I'm not anyone's friend"
"Bow chika bow bow!"
"Ew, shutup! You know what I ment!

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What does "bowes" mean?

abbreviation for the word elbows

"If ya feel me! Throw dem bows up!"
Fam-Lay - Rock n' Roll (this is a rap song by the way, a ghetto one too, don't let the tittle fool ya.)

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Bowes - what does it mean?

This defines the sound of the music track in a porno film as things are heating up. Think: Wah-wah.

At the party she asked me if I wanted to go outside to check out the grounds. She gave me that look and.... bow chica bow bow...

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Bowes - meaning

A person with unrivaled sexual prowess and an above-average sized penis

Person A: Hey Sally how did it go last night?
Person B: Oh my God that boy was a Bowes!

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Bowes - definition

When it’s too cold to use your hands to congratulate someone on a good diss so you have to use your elbow instead. Was invented by The grime artists Asap Mossy and K hus.

Bows bows my g Drummond snm

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Bowes - slang

a pound of marijuana

Hey man what's the PR on a bow??

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Bow - As dubbed by King Zias is a formal greeting substituted in place of other greetings. By decree of King Zias all "Bow's" must be answered with a "Hello" thus in a sentence it would sound like, "Bow, hello"
#zias #blou #bowhello #bow #hello

Zias - "Bow"
B. Lou - "Hello"

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To hit someone with a two punch combination.

They squared up and Joe hit him, bow bow, and dropped his ass

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Having a little and unoticed penis.

2 millimeter beater

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